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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. Blues lost 3-2 to Man City in the end thank goodness, which keeps them 9 points behind us. I think as long as we don’t lose to Blues or Leicester this season, we’ll be fine. They won’t then get the wins needed to go past us.
  2. Blues ladies having a good go against Man City this afternoon. Currently winning 2-1 but they’re still in the first half. We could do with them losing though, as we have a tough fixture later today against Spurs.
  3. He gets some stick on here at times and some of it justifiably so but he’s an awesome captain really. He’s a real presence and we’re just not the same side when he’s missing.
  4. Yeah, Little Shop of Horrors from 1986, with Rick Moranis I think? Haven’t seen that in a long time.
  5. Yes, always enjoyable and better to watch at night
  6. What’s those films you always see on the TV at Christmas but at like midnight when back from the boozer? For me: Steptoe & Son Ride Again, Weird Science, Under Siege 2, Highlander, Stand By Me.
  7. Yep, definitely another worthy film.
  8. Great pastime was circling the films you’d watch over the Christmas period in the Radio Times etc. Growing up, I always circled films like: The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, Bedknobs & Broomsticks etc. Any James Bond, any Indiana Jones or Superman film.
  9. We came to frustrate and I suppose it nearly worked but some of the decisions witnessed today were just bizarre? Oh well, don’t let it ruin your weekend folks. Hopefully we’ll get two wins out of next two games.
  10. Crikey, my heart is going to drop out my arse shortly.
  11. 0-0 at HT, I’ll take that. However, need to keep the ball a bit better.
  12. Basically if we tackle a red, it annoys the crowd and Klopp immensely. Long may it continue I say.
  13. We’re not going to get away with too many of these iffy decisions much longer. Seems like we’re holding on now a little.
  14. To be fair, that’s a crap puppet. No eyes, or nose even but just a mouth? Nah not for me.
  15. Brilliant news, as he’s clearly got something to offer. Reminds me slightly of Julian Joachim, which isn’t a bad thing at all.
  16. I don’t personally think we’ll sign anyone in January, unless one or two leave. Horrible month to do business and Gerrard doesn’t strike me as the type that’ll just take someone for the sake of it.
  17. Anfield and Gerrard, obviously it was always going to be a game that the media took significant interest in. I like Gerrard’s attitude to the game though and it feels very different to say when Gerard Houllier went their with us in December 2010. There’s no denying that it’s going to be a tough afternoon but like against Man City recently, all I want is to see us compete and make it difficult for them. It’s not always pretty on the eye for some but a tight 433 formation is probably our best way at playing at present. Obviously our possession stats will be low but when we do have the ball, we need to make it count and not be sloppy. Nothing worse than gifting the ball to the opposition. The games now come thick and fast for a couple of weeks and I think we have several players (Cash, Mings and McGinn?) who are one booking away from suspension. We’ll need everyone for the games ahead, so no silly bookings please. My heart is saying we can collect a point from the game but my head is saying a narrow defeat. A win and I may crack open Mrs F’s Christmas booze stash! Martinez Cash Konsa Mings Targett Nakamba Luiz McGinn Buendia Watkins *Young Subs: Steer, Hause, Tuanzebe, Sanson, *Ramsey, Carney, El-Ghazi, Ings, Davis *I’d be happy with Young or Ramsey on the left of the forward three. I’ve gone Young purely for his big game experience but no doubt that Ramsey would be fine to start if chosen. UTV
  18. I miss this fella. Hope he’s back soon.
  19. Aaron Ramsey linked this morning. Signings like this and paying probably £300k a week or more is the wrong way to go surely?
  20. The game seems effortless to him, which is always the sign of a good player. I’m looking forward to seeing more of him over the next few weeks/months.
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