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Everything posted by ender4

  1. I know a guy who was a die-hard Man United fan for 20 years throughout the Fergie years... he's been a die-hard Liverpool fan for the past 5 years! Yes, he's a clearing in the woods.
  2. The last 10 episodes finally aired??? Need to get onto that!
  3. Which Premier League club fans do you 'hate' the most and why?
  4. I think its mainly because there has been less social interaction between people than normal, so the flu hasnt been able to spread as easily as previous years.
  5. I think that pretty normal for mid-table teams at this stage of the season
  6. That’s the country rating going up to 5. Apparently we have a Covid rating 1-5 which is different and nothing to do with Tiers 1-4.
  7. a Balti pie would make it an authentic Villa/Brummie experience. (though I hear Leicester started selling them in the ground as well).
  8. surely they won't lock down schools straight away? Announced at 8pm for the next morning? no time for parents to arrange childcare.
  9. i would normally drink a load of vodka literally just before going in the ground... and that buzz would keep me going for the first hour.
  10. They sell Heineken in the ground in bottles (plus other beer).
  11. Could it be that you no longer 'lust' her, but still 'love' her. After 6 years, its not going to be a burning desire, but a more deeper understanding type of love. Sounds like you are both really close, calling her your best friend. Isn't that a type of love in itself?
  12. My wife had vaccine today, my sister-in-law had it yesterday evening, my brother-in-law having it tomorrow (they all work in medical fields). My dad scheduled to have it in the next 10 days (age and higher-risk). A lot of my friends also in line to be vaccinated this week or next (medical professions). Feels like everyone around me is going to be back towards some normality very soon, holidays being planned, etc .... EXCEPT ME (young, no risk factors, non-medical field).
  13. You can watch it fine without having seen or having any knowledge of the original films. Literally all you need to know is that two kids did karate at school against each other and are now grown up but still hold a grudge. That's all there is to it. The series fills you in with any history you need to know, including the odd flashback scene.
  14. ender4

    Keinan Davis

    Because Martinez is a better goalkeeper and Mings/Konsa are better defenders. Obviously i wouldn't play him as a striker because he can't score goals.
  15. The other thing is that we are actually joint 10th at the moment... so if we keep performing like we have been, 10th is probably a fair result.
  16. I guess we could just buy referees instead of any players. Works for Man Utd.
  17. The Premier League really don’t want us to win the league do they??!!
  18. I think the word you are looking for is corrupt or biased.
  19. Good good, hoping Man City don’t notice him all season.
  20. We generally need to be better at corners and free-kicks.
  21. Man Utd - 1-2 LOSS Liverpool (cup) - WIN Spurs - 3-1 WIN Everton - 2-0 WIN Man City - 2-1 LOSS 6 points out of 12 and 4th round of the cup.
  22. I hope our game against Man City is re-arranged first!
  23. Every time someone attacked us last season, I would have a mini heart attack. Now I’m just at peace when they attack, because unless it’s a special goal, it’s not going past Emi.
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