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Everything posted by ender4

  1. It used to be 14 days, then the govt changed it to 10 days for everyone.
  2. Sold my Bitcoin. Bought £2k worth in Dec 2017, sold for £400 gain (20%) 3 years later. Now waiting for the next crash to buy some again.
  3. Last 5 years gross spend: Man City - £818m Chelsea - £657m Man Utd - £611m Everton - £537m Liverpool - £471m Arsenal - £442m
  4. also something that happens outside of work, the club doesn't have much jurisdiction on it. Can you imagine if you were caught speeding going to your mates on Saturday and then your work (assuming its not driving work) put you on disciplinary when you went back to work on Monday. Its similar for Jack, he's just an employee of the company, albeit a high profile one.
  5. so what you're saying is that Villa are going to win the title! ITS HAPPENING (insert gif)
  6. I'd assume we have some room if needed but not a lot... so if not desperately needed, Purslow wouldn't want to buy in January, but would be working on longer-term deals for the summer.
  7. ender4

    The NSWE Board

    https://www.sportspromedia.com/news/msg-sports-nassef-sawiris-investment-stake-new-york-knicks-rangers So Sawiris now owns 5% of New York Knicks in basketball, 5% of New York Rangers in Ice Hockey, 6% of Adidas and 50% of Aston Villa. Wes Edens owns 50% of Milwaukee Bucks also in basketball, 100% of FlyQuest team in Esports and 50% of Aston Villa. Interesting mix of sport ownership. I wonder if any of it will benefit Villa?
  8. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/womens-sport/2020/12/05/aston-villa-women-training-players-brains-bodies/
  9. FFP limit. I don't think we have any intention of spending anything in January unless things have gone seriously wrong - like a long-term injury to a key player.
  10. the more serious driving fines nowadays are based as a % of your salary/income.
  11. ender4

    U.S. Politics

    can they do postal voting for this?
  12. how do you know he mounted them 'dangerously'? Are you the phantom photographer!
  13. Yeah, even the tailgating isn't like tailgating over a period of time. He pulled up behind the driver, the driver moved over and he carried on. I don't think ive ever been on a motorway and not seen this happen.
  14. Yep, £140k gross is probably around £55k net to him after all taxes.
  15. but seriously, Bham City in a sense, but not in a footballing sense as i doubt we'll ever play them again. Wolves in terms of fighting for best team in the West Midlands, and i think the next few years will have both of us trying to get into the final european spot each year. Newcastle just because they are similar to us in a lot of ways. That about it.
  16. Man City and Liverpool as we fight them for the title
  17. There’s no actual proximity rule, but it’s being suggested that it might play a part. Solihull and Birmingham are so entwined, there would be no way of knowing you have left Bham and entered Solihull if it wasn’t for a sign.
  18. It’s got a bit lower in Birmingham but Bham expected to stay in tier 3. Solihull and other surrounding areas are low enough to be in tier 2, but unsure whether they will drop them due to their proximity to Bham.
  19. Though you are just talking about black people, not any non-white ethnicity. Isn't Germany around 20% non-white? Though now i'm thinking maybe this series is set in old East Germany which might be a lot more white.
  20. ok, so got halfway through S1 of Dark and it was standard time-travel rules etc. A little confusing with all the characters, but nothing too brain-taxing. Then the third time period got thrown in... and now i'm... Anyhow i got to the end of S1 and something stood out as a real oddity. Its set in Germany in 2019 (ignoring the timelines for a minute) and there is not 1 ethnic minority in the whole series. Not even a token black/asian person, even background extras are all just completely white. So is this the actual make-up of the population in Germany in 2019 or is this unintentional institutional racism from Netflix? It's weird how jarring it is to the series, i don't think i've seen any other tv show made in the last few years that is like this.
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