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Everything posted by ender4

  1. Great news Hopefully it’s the start of some great talent coming into the team over the next 12-18 months.
  2. No transfer windows slamming shut in the women's game?
  3. Can we just please score any other goal and kill off this match... pleeeeeeeeaaassseeeee
  4. Yes I agree. Need that second goal to kill off the match.
  5. The only difference in this game is they have to attack as they need a goal.
  6. If we could get to 3-0, would be time to take him off and give him a rest.
  7. It was mentioned when he missed the last match. In the Trez thread.
  8. You put a bit on the sponge after every few dishes.
  9. ok, so i watched the first two episodes and gave up because it was pretty rubbish. Are you saying it gets a lot better and worth persevering with?
  10. This must be a very old-school English way of hand washing dishes. I don't know anyone who washes their dishes in a washing up bowl. That wouldn't clean dishes properly. Most people have the tap running and wash each dish under the tap as they clean it.
  11. The Umbrella Academy - watched first 3 episodes. Nothing much has happened - is it going to get better?
  12. Cleared off the line, hit the post, goalie saves, off the crossbar, 10 shots on goal... Luck was not on our side that half.
  13. Shots at goal - Villa 4, Burnley 0. Just need to get one in the net
  14. Is there any other way you have to access it without the XBox? i think that might be causing you the problems.
  15. Yep, same here with the Virgin Media box. Just choose Prime Video on the Tivo box and works perfectly. Tried it on the 4k Firestick as well, and that was great as well, though a little buffering for 5 seconds when you first start the live stream.
  16. nope. I'll be happy with 3 points though.
  17. stick something big and meaty in her mouth? Like a pepperami.
  18. App on your tv or on a firestick or on a laptop or through Tivo/Sky Box?
  19. exact opposite experience for me. Fantastic picture, so clear, no buffering, better than watching it on normal Sky/Virgin.
  20. I'm worried about this game. It feels like one of those banana-skin games, mainly because we have 4 key players out.
  21. ender4

    The NSWE Board

    so £30m for 55%, we can assume another £25m for the remaining 45%... plus had to pay Lerner another £20m for being promoted. So around £75m in total.
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