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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Con will be drowning in a sea of his own jizz comparing the heat maps.
  2. I read that and thought that just has to be Privateer posting pure gold like that. Keep up the good work chap. Anyone who bumps this thread without some solid transfer news, should be given 40 lashes.
  3. Classic Kernode rant this week regarding Pain and Gain.
  4. Brutal anal rape every Saturday afternoon or a stint in the nick. Its a no brainer.
  5. The american version is woeful, stay well away. I disagree. I think its pretty good.
  6. wait till it's a girl and they call it Diana ..... If this happens then the Daily Express will implode and drown in its own jizz
  7. So anyone with a collection of Max Hardcore films should expect a visit from the UK Internet Police Force shortly?
  8. So Ive got to ring Plusnet up and ask them if I can watch xhamster, Tory twunts.
  9. Totally forgot about Blow. Good shout.
  10. Im 38 and have started to think about it more and more over the last 12 months. I work myself into a right sweat, I know its daft but I get into a right panic. Can't really see a solution, I'm an atheist, so the made up bible books aren't any help to me.
  11. He kicked ass in Donnie Brasco, but that was a lifetime ago. Everything else is pretty meh.
  12. Is Lendal a professional Lemon sucker? Or is it a wax work dummy of him?
  13. Yep, I've seen it. Frightening stuff. We shouldn't let Gas fracking anywhere near this country, oh wait....................
  14. US version? Perhaps now that they're free from basing it on Forbrydelsen, they're more able to do the show they want. Yes the US version, exclusive to Netflix. I'm also impressed with it, good show.
  15. Got 2 weeks AI in Playa Del Carmen in Mexico. Looking forward to it as I've never been to Mexico or done a decent AI. Very different to my normal holiday, which would be driving round Florida or California so hoping I don't get bored after a few days.
  16. Kick ass torrents at a guess. But I agree with the above. Netflix over a PS3 kicks big time ass. With a little sprinkle of Usenet connected to Sickbeard gives you the ultimate TV experience.
  17. Another vote here for the mass gassing of Truck drivers who like to overtake at a snail pace. They just love doing it at the bottom of a hill and then have to give up half way up only to pull back into the slow lane. Twunts.
  18. Can we all just agree he is a bit cack?
  19. Can we all just agree he is a bit cack?
  20. stuart_75


    I see some old boy has been killed by a dog in Liverpool. Its a shame its always the same "type" of dog that is involved in these incidents. You never hear reports of a border collie or Labrador going on the rampage....
  21. stuart_75


    Hate them. They stink and you have to pick up their shit after them. But top of my hate list are the "staffy, pit-bull types" owned my chav clearings in the woods who want to look 'ard. They also seem to enjoy tearing small children and other dogs to bits. Sweeping generalisation I know, but Ive yet to meet one of these dogs and think "what a nice soft doggy, let me rub your tummy"
  22. They are still blabering on about that tornado
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