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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Hang on......what did she give it you with? A slow gentle finger or the fist-master 3000 deluxe?
  2. Exactly, when we have Christmas back door action to discuss!
  3. Frightening thought. Paramedics required at ringside I think.
  4. Simples. Block them, oxygen thieves the lot of them. Or go one better and deactivate your account.
  5. School teacher. Obviously thinks she talking to one of her 14yr old pupils....... I'll give it a week to see if it fizzles out, then back on Tinder for new year, new me shenanigans.
  6. Khan v Brook happening then? Hopefully glass jaw Khan will get smashed.
  7. Took 8 hours to get a reply yesterday......."sorry for not replying, been busy all day with child" I call bullshit. I wont be sending a text today until she does. Come on Tinder, recommend me some more fruitcakes.......
  8. On date 1 I had on Fierce by Abercrombie & Fitch. Date 2 I used Boss Orange. She's said they are both girly smelling and suggested something more "musk" smelling. Fahrenheit was her suggestion (bound to be what her ex has) Her text response time is now 6 hours and counting. Starting to think I should reactivate the Tinder profile. I'd rather be bombarded with pointless text garbage than have nothing at all.
  9. Had date number 2 with my Tinder match. She's 2 hours late (blames ex being out and not picking up the nipper), then says she doesn't like my aftershave (2nd date running I've had this feedback), I agreed to find another if there is ever a date 3. So I pay for the meal, my treat, get her back to mine. She shows me her guitar skills (impressive, she's a teacher) then we progress to some spit swapping. I can feel she is wearing hold up stockings, so by now I'm ready to blow a load. After 10mins of that she she's she wants to leave, she's not in a rush to jump into bed and buggers off. Now this is the one who mentioned her fondness of hair pulling on date 1. This to me is your typical mind-f*** woman tactics. Left me rather annoyed to say the least.
  10. THIS. I'm using whatsapp and she gets the message but takes an Ice Age to reply! I know she fiddles with her phone all the time, because ALL women do.
  11. Women and texting. Whats the deal there? Some want to bombard you with a barrage of texts all day long, basically real-time blogging with you. Then others (one Ive just had date number 1 with) who only reply when they can be half arsed which is sometimes hours after I have text her. I'm wondering if she has several blokes on the go at once.
  12. This. If you don't shape up, you'll be shipped out because there is plenty other length waiting in the wings to take your place.
  13. Well the date seemed to go well, everything going to plan. But over dinner she just comes out with "I like having my hair pulled". I had to do a double take and clean my ears out because I thought I misheard. I couldn't come back with a witty reply because I was shell shocked. Hopefully date number 2 will result in hair pulling and DHUTWU.
  14. Got my first Tinder date setup for tomorrow. Know nothing about her except that she's a teacher. Bound to be a fruitcake.
  15. Watched all 10 episodes in a day. Never seen anything like it, the USA should hang its head in shame.
  16. I'm using tinder too and as I'm a 40yr old munter its very difficult to find someone who is not fat, not a pig and most importantly doesn't have a shitload of baggage.
  17. This is exactly what myself and wife tried to do. Sort it between ourselves. She knew she had been a clearing in the woods and didn't deserve to clean me out so accepted 100k in the bank to part ways. The courts don't like it and insist on legal representation (basically drag it out and rape your wallet). I now cant get her name off my mortgage until a judge think shes had her "fair share". My solicitor who I was forced to use is useless and is just in it to make money out of the pair of us
  18. Its hard not to become bitter BOF. Me and the ex agreed to a financial split and who gets what. Then a judge says "No, that's not very fair, give her more". She doesn't want anymore though. Now its back on the solicitor merry go round for another few months.........
  19. Divorces. Solicitors. Courts. Enough to push me right to the very limit, whats the point? Really what is the point of it all?
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