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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. POF - Shit, never got to even get a conversation going with anyone, let alone a date. Lots of pretty girls (fake profiles maybe) Tinder - Not bad, again fake profiles (apparently), just swipe yes on every bird under 20 stone and you are in with a chance of a match Match.com - Average. Not cheap either, loads of pretty ladies, but who have very high opinions of themselves. Expect 1 reply in every 30 messages sent. OK Cupid - Rubbish. Crammed with ming mongs who look like Jeremy Kyle rejects.
  2. Bloody ell, you sound exactly like me! I was having about 2 new dates every week and just become very very fussy with each one. I had a date yesterday and thought I better stop being an arse and actually try and give this once a chance.
  3. Ive been on match and tinder these last few months and had about 10 dates with different birds in that time. Every single one a nutcase from the first date, never made it to date 2. The Polish girl I met who was FAF swore constantly and told me if anyone disses her kids she would "**** kill them". I promptly left shortly after. I'm 40, so every woman Ive met has huge baggage. Its a nightmare finding a normal one.
  4. Strange accent on the chappie playing Robert Plant.
  5. 2 dates in 2 days with a brand new Tinder match, and I think I have met the most normal, down to earth woman in a year. She's 4 years older than me, and that's a mental hurdle I'm still trying to overcome but at 44 with a smoking hot body & likes my aftershaves, I think I'm onto a winner. She's already mentioned going away for a weekend, maybe a little early for that, but fingers crossed I'll be DHUTWU quite soon.
  6. TP, my only advice is don't let it drag on if you think its time to call it a day. You can waste months, even years making your mind up.
  7. As soon as you accept that every woman on there is crazy then you wont be surprised be their behavior.
  8. Ive just has the exact same thing with the crazy aftershave woman. But got another match in the week and had a first date today. All good so far, seeing her tomorrow as well.
  9. It has been a great few pages over these last few weeks. Good to hear advice from people who've "been there and done that" so to speak. Nothing could be as depressing as anything Villa related surely?
  10. I can only echo your comments gents. My ex of 17 years is now with a bloke who is "possessive and jealous" all the time, but she wont kick him out. She thought the grass was greener. Seems like woman are attracted to danger. I actually think they think they can tame these blokes who are knobs.
  11. This is bang on the money. I wont be texting her, I'll wait to see if she asks me out. Another quote from last night...."I think you're really into me". I'm just paying an interest in her, asking her loads of questions. Then she asks me "whats the worst thing you've done". That was an interesting conversation!
  12. 3rd date for me last night and I think the friend-zone is looming. Quotes from her......."I think you're too nice for me"...."I dont know what I want"...."we are so different, you're into IT and I'm a music teacher"......"I think you're too straight"...."do you ever swear?" Christ on a bike, I act the perfect gentleman, opening doors, putting her coat on, all that good shit, and I get marked down. I think she just wants a bit of rough.
  13. I'd crap myself if I heard those words muttered after a couple of dates.
  14. Loads of 40+ no kids women with profile pics in Dubai. Jog on. Mega high maintenance, avoid.
  15. Well, I've had 2 dates (3rd is planned) but she has also said via text she is not ready for sex or a relationship at this early stage. We've had a good smooch on both dates, and I don't mind taking it slow but maybe her idea of slow is REALLY slow. So I'm tempted to keep swiping right just in case I strike gold.
  16. I'd like to ask you gents out there "in the game", how many dates do you have with 1 lady before you switch off tinder/match/POF/zoosk etc etc???
  17. So I bought a bottle of Fahrenheit and put the Boss Orange to the back of the bathroom cabinet. Christ on a bike, it smells like the 1970's. I better get a leg over with this bird.
  18. If you put the same finger in her mouth afterwards then she's a keeper!
  19. Loads say this. If you don't come up with some outrageous witty opening line then they wont reply. There is a good reason these diva, high maintenance, pretty girls are on dating websites in the first place...........
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