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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Are the robot brothers dodging Haye already? Either Klitschkos brother v Fraudley would be a right 12 round snooze-fest.
  2. The 2 italian commentators i'm listening to are cumming over man u aswell.
  3. |The commentators are blue-balling over Arsenal
  4. Obsessed with us. Colin Scrotum has to mention us in every article he writes. Small time...........
  5. You could put that stuff on a fresh dog turd and it would taste good.
  6. Has Woodward been on the mushrooms? He is talking utter nonsense!
  7. And disrespectful. "I don't know what the stand to my right is called and I don't really care" :shock: delivering Jack a handjob.
  8. I thought they had all been munching space cakes before the press conf.
  9. Not even stick your finger in there????
  10. Sounds like a lively, end to end game. Tom Ross don't 'alf get excited! Not listened to him in ages, kinda missed the dirty old bluenose! Tom Dross still has to mention the Enkleman/Blues gaff. Shithead
  11. Blackthorn Cider. 4 cans are £1.89 at Sommerfield.
  12. stuart_75

    Chris Moyles

    Its been the same act for the last 10 yrs. Just not funny anymore, reminds me of Chris Evans in the 90's funny at first but the people round him just keep licking his balls.
  13. Can't help but find that amusing. And his daughter is 13, and he's 30? Bloody hell.............the knuckledraggrers don't usually wait that long to start breeding Its probably his youngest of 5 kids to be honest.
  14. Miley cyrus sexy? think not.. very strange looking body :shock:
  15. Just saw some footage of Brady on Midlands Today. She was sat at her desk pretending to type on her keyboard. Tits were on full display, if the lags are watching it they will have a couple of greased light bulbs ready for her arrival.
  16. Hated ever single second of it. Hope most of the people I met burn in hell.
  17. I listened to him 10 years ago, I thought he was ok then, especially the Saturday morning show he used to do. 10 years later, its the same act, the same banter, same shitty remarks he comes out with. Just look at his "glittering" TV career. Says it all really. Fat cock/tit/clearing in the woods.
  18. i wonder how much cash he will get for this. Gotta be worth half a mil
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