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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. stuart_75


    Anyone doing Long Marston half marathon this Saturday? I'll be on my own and could do with a running partner.
  2. A cocktail of over the counter drugs are taking the edge off it. I'm hoping the anti-biotics will kick in soon and reduce the infection. After watching several youtube videos of tooth extraction it looks like nothing has changed in 1000yrs. I wouldn't be surprised if the dentist puts his knee on my shoulder for leverage while he is tugging with a pair of pliers.
  3. I really not sure if ill be able to get to sleep tonight. The whole side of my face feels like its been smashed with a bat. Is morphine available over the counter?
  4. Just been informed that a root canal treatment I had about a year ago has failed. Now I'm climbing the walls in agony with enough painkillers to kill an elephant. Either a 2nd RCT or extraction awaits, but Ive got to wait a week while on a course of anti-biotics while experiencing pain like no other.
  5. 8/10 ? ......wow you must love sly stallone films Lock Up is a poor man's Tango & Cash
  6. Fury tweeting some right garbage about Lennox Lewis today. Really showed himself up as a bit of a knob.
  7. Just bought a 2003 Boxster S as a 2nd car to have some fun in. So far so good, pretty nippy and sounds great when driven hard.
  8. BBC showing them getting off a train in Frankfurt and the Germans waiting at the station were clapping and cheering like they were rock stars. I choked on my cornflakes in disbelief.
  9. Just finished Narcos. I was expecting the story to be finished, but oh no. Looks like there could be another season to finish off the tale.
  10. Oven chips. Seem to take a hour to cook. Instructions say 20 mins.
  11. I'm balls deep into Narcos. Loving every minute of it.
  12. Ant-Man. Loved it. Great fun.
  13. I remember a caller on Jezza saying he smashed his girlfriend in the ass on his mothers sofa and then straight after the girl pooped on the sofa. The poop was blamed on the family dog and now the dog was going to be put down as punishment. The caller was struggling with the guilt but didnt want to admit it was his girl who crapped all over the sofa.
  14. Fury v Blockhead announced? Should be a snoozefest zzzzzzz
  15. Cheers for the words of advice gents! The **** buddy is crackers. 41 years old, never married, never engaged, no kids. At first I thought I had hit the jackpot, but then soon sussed there was a reason why she had no ties. She nags and cross questions me like a copper trying to break a suspect in the interview room. She has to go..
  16. I've been separated from my wife for 3 months now after a year of her taking the piss and being on the piss. I see my 8yr old son a few days a week now. Really struggling to get over it and think about her all the time (even though I was a doormat for her). I even have a **** buddy on the go, but she has turned out to be a nutter, so that's another heap of shite playing with my head. Anyone else been through a separation/divorce with a child involved? Any tips on getting on with your life and not looking at the past all the time? Cheers!
  17. Only a couple of months, but was totally smitten to be honest. Thought she was a corker. But as with all women its just a smokescreen, absolute head case I think. So do I go back to get my sack emptied, or do I run for the hills? DHUTWU The reason I got binned is a classic to be honest, you lot will love it. I got hold of some viagra and dropped half a tablet before going round her gaff for a bit of leg over. Anyway, smashed it into bits, like a cheap garden shed. She asked in the morning after being rodgered countless times "were did that come from?" I admitted the extra help I had. She went nuts and threw me out, said she was sick of "lies and deceit". I thought most birds would give a pat on the back and say "good well done stud" Women! Not happy with being smashed to kingdom come, not happy with a floppy dick! Can you ever win? I tried the blue pill once... a whole one. It worked, boy it worked!* Only problem was it still like a granite rod the next day. I couldn't go out as it hurting, it was that stiff. *yes there was a woman involved as well. I didn't just take it for an exotic wank. I didnt take the V because she was a minger or a fatty. In fact she's she fittest bird Ive knobbed, so I was looking for a bit of staying power and not 30secs, 3 pumps and I'm done.
  18. Only a couple of months, but was totally smitten to be honest. Thought she was a corker. But as with all women its just a smokescreen, absolute head case I think. So do I go back to get my sack emptied, or do I run for the hills? DHUTWU The reason I got binned is a classic to be honest, you lot will love it. I got hold of some viagra and dropped half a tablet before going round her gaff for a bit of leg over. Anyway, smashed it into bits, like a cheap garden shed. She asked in the morning after being rodgered countless times "were did that come from?" I admitted the extra help I had. She went nuts and threw me out, said she was sick of "lies and deceit". I thought most birds would give a pat on the back and say "good well done stud"
  19. Only a couple of months, but was totally smitten to be honest. Thought she was a corker. But as with all women its just a smokescreen, absolute head case I think. So do I go back to get my sack emptied, or do I run for the hills?
  20. Yeah it was, I finished it last night, can't wait for S4 The only thing about S3 that was a let down was nowhere near enough knobbing going on. It used to be a prerequisite for every episode. I never saw Proctor's niece get her tits out once.
  21. sorry to hear that,it's never easy but the best thing to do now is get drunk and do her mom Ive never even met her mom!! Anyway 48hrs after being binned I get a text..."Ive been thinking of you" I'm beginning to think Ive got myself a nutter here.
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