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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Half way through Pennyworth season 2. Really is a great show and should be on a more high profile platform instead of being tucked away behind 2 paywalls on Amazon. Should be easy to "acquire' if you know, you know. Paloma Faith really is good in it, who'd of thought she could act.
  2. Yes. I see your Lupo around town regularly
  3. I'm 45, no jab or text, live in B60
  4. + Viking long ship, T-Rex skeleton and a perfectly preserved Villa shirt under the centre mark.
  5. I think that might upset one or two on here.
  6. I've acquired Godzilla v Kong for this weekend's entertainment. Looking forward to it.
  7. Nice to see today's yoof letting their hair down. Fully deserved.
  8. No mention of footballers catching COVID by sharing the same sex-workers
  9. Dragged Across Concrete, on Prime. Same fella who did Brawl on cell block 99. Definitely worth a watch.
  10. Fingers crossed Stipe can out smart Francis tomorrow.
  11. I have Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle on the switch which is great if you like old school retro fighting games.
  12. So what's going down in Georgia then? I see some new voter suppression rules are being pushed through. Sad times.
  13. I gave up on The Terror after 2-3 episodes. I wanted to like it but it didn't grip me at all. Finished season 1 of Godfather of Harlem. Tremendous. Season 2 starts in a couple of weeks I believe.
  14. Don't you just fit whats known as a bump stock to the rifle and it can empty a magazine in a couple of seconds?
  15. Clinton Morrison as a pundit on 5live. Offers nothing, totally out of his depth.
  16. I heard the old toothless crow jabbering on with some weak attempt at a joke, even Henry told her it wasn't funny.
  17. Reading the New Music 2021 thread and not knowing a single band/artist being posted.
  18. I had to wind up my Ltd co for this exact same reason. Fortunately the end client made a very good offer to go "permie" so took it. Just finished the liquidation of the Ltd Co.
  19. Not only is next year's budget cut, but questions are asked on why the original budget forecast was so off target. Over spending is the same heinous crime as under spending in my world.
  20. Waiting for reviews of The Falcon & the Winter Soldier with baited breath.
  21. This is standard practice in my sector (Telecoms). I've seen several hundred grand wasted rather than hand it back to the shareholders at the end of the year. Lunacy at its finest.
  22. The thought of them winning promotion from League 1 and having an open top bus parade around "their" city fills me with dread.
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