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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. I've seen the 4 episodes. Not bad, not fantastic either. Cranston keeps it ticking along.
  2. I had exactly the same with my teenager. Basically went on strike for the duration of lockdown v1.0. The school didn't give 2 shits either.
  3. It's also worth seeking out the Blu-Ray of Alien 3 and watching the alternative cut. A different animal is used to a dog for the face hugger and there's plenty extra footage thrown in. Some good, some not so.
  4. What makes his performance all the greater is the character he played while on loan. Scoring goals for fun, became a hero at The Temple of Doom. As soon as the ink dried on the contract he switched back to the portrayal of a dog turd. Oscar winning standard.
  5. I love this thread. Always brings a smile to my face.
  6. stuart_75


    Christopher Ward also make some nice automatics that don't bust the bank.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I remember Cranston posting a trailer on Twitter a while back but I'd forgotten all about it. Click, click, first 3 episodes waiting to be watched.
  8. The changes to land transaction tax - the Welsh version of stamp duty - come in to force from Tuesday. It will see second home-owners paying a 4% levy when they buy properties up to £180,000, rising to 16% for homes worth at least £1.6m
  9. Hormone enriched beef jerky worked a treat for Canelo.
  10. I remember Topless Darts from the 90's. You'd always get some 3rd rate slapper with huge spaniels ears throwing the arrows. Fantastic.
  11. Watched The Undoing over the weekend - meh nothing special at all. Started The Queen's Gambit, 1 episode in, I'll stick with it. Finished Warrior season 2 - Amazing.
  12. I just put this in my watchlist on NowTV. Is it safe to say I should avoid?
  13. Hayden Christensen, oh dear me. Human form of Jar-Jar Binks. Please re-cast the Vader role
  14. I only tend to listen to Friday's now with Franksy. This new lad doing Mon-Thurs is a bit cack, add no Reago to the mix it just shows what cost cutting at BBC WM has done.
  15. Youtube Vanced is a modded version of Youtube that bypasses ads. Well worth looking into. Android only I think.
  16. I did think when a certain character put his "suit" back on that it looked a bit small for him. Maybe been consuming too many pies in the last 40 years.
  17. Bill and Ted face the music. Lasted 30 mins before tapping out and deleting the offending article off my hard drive.
  18. "Yow cor ave it both ways Little Aston" I think was the phrase used.Old clearing in the woods.
  19. Is this sex scene with Jolie any good? Nips on show?? Asking for a friend.
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