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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Matthew Upson on 5 live is Sterling's personal fluffer. It's making me ill listening to him.
  2. Gone for 5live commentary via iPlayer
  3. Was Rio's beard drawn on with a Sharpie?
  4. Season 2 of Godfather of Harlem......How on earth this isn't shown on mainstream tv is beyond me, its fantastic.
  5. 2nd jab of AZ done. Well done to the staff at The Artrix in Bromsgrove. Very slick operation they have running there.
  6. Enjoyed the Son of Sam doc/series on Netflix, learnt a lot about the case.
  7. Sky catchup/Now TV......or head to the high seas.
  8. Drive down every street and you see builder's vans parked up, scaffolding up, lots and lots of people with spare cash being thrown at their gaffs. You're best trying those little handyman ads in the free local magazines that come through the letterbox every other month.
  9. Been searching for a builder for some minor works in a living room, 1-2 days work max. Quoted 2 grand by one and anyone else either doesn't answer their phone or says he's booked up for the next 12 months. I give up.
  10. You are not the only one. I'm close to tapping out after 3 episodes.
  11. Couldn't agree more, I thought it was close to cinematic perfection.
  12. Watched 3 episodes of Loki and I desperately want to enjoy it but it feels very meh so far. I hope it improves. On the flip side I thought falcon & winter soldier was excellent.
  13. Also the club owner had a large chest which was the cherry on top.
  14. That film really is a classic. Kelly Lynch is smoking hot in it 9/10 WB
  15. Get in. Very happy to read this. Just googled and its the last season but a spin-off is in the works.
  16. Still waiting for the Follyfoot review with baited breath.
  17. I've watched episode 1 of the new season, great start as Designer1 says. Seems to be a mid season break of a couple of months after episode 6 by the looks of it.
  18. Just finished Halston on Netflix. Ewan McGregor puts in a good shift as the lead doing plenty coke and having his back doors smashed through in nearly every episode.
  19. Thanks for the Ted Lasso recommendation. Really enjoyed season 1, and it's only a few weeks until season 2 airs.
  20. Just finished Mayans M.C. season 3. Continues to go from strength to strength. I was expecting a dip after Kurt Sutter was fired, but to be fair its got better. Deffo worth a watch for any SOA fans out there.
  21. stuart_75


    I listen to the Lincoln Project podcast as I have a mild interest in US politics. Makes me think we have quite a normal set of people in charge here in the UK after hearing what the GOP get up to.
  22. Boxing and WWE finally come together as one. Big sigh.
  23. Going back to the comment about being afraid to upset China. I'm in the telecoms sector and the amount of money being spend to remove Huawei kit from the EE & Three networks is staggering. Its a huge middle finger to the Chinese and its costing millions. On the other hand the old school Scandinavian mobs (Nokia & Ericsson) are rubbing their hands together. Its like the early 2000's all over again for them.
  24. I see the one brother is fighting Tyron Woodley in August. It should be an easy fight for the UFC fella but I thought that when Askren put a pair of gloves on and look how that turned out.
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