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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Just finished it. It's good, very good in fact.
  2. Has the cartoon M.A.S.K had a mention yet? Used to love that.
  3. Star Fleet hasn't been mentioned yet?? Come on gents it's what Saturday mornings were made for!!
  4. Finished The Sinner season 3. Such a disappointment after season 1 & 2 being so good. Started Mare of Easttown, on episode 2, very good so far, Kate Winslet really can act.
  5. I read yesterday she was also married to Rod. The mind boggles.
  6. It will be the final season unfortunately. As for the missing main character, that had been announced in the press prior to filming. Great shame as the chemistry between him and Douglas was perfect.
  7. As Villakram posts above I've also read about tighter and tighter abortion laws are sweeping across many states. It does make you think did the Democrats actually win the election and control of both houses. How to these pro-lifers push these bills through? Same goes for the voting restrictions in the small majority Dem states. I'm baffled how they get away with it.
  8. Texas about to pass an open carry handgun law, no need for a permit. Why oh why?
  9. After reading comments on here I've cancelled my 2nd jab and re-booked straight at a local centre 10 days earlier. Happy times.
  10. stuart_75


    Don't hold your breath.
  11. I've started watching this after seeing it mentioned here. So far so good.
  12. Franksy did the show and it was a joy to behold hearing the Dogheads crying into their chips.
  13. Value for money and UK housing market cannot be used in the same sentence.
  14. Then download/stream huge amounts of filth over their network.
  15. Pardew at the Albion was just as bad if not worse.
  16. That's a tale I'd pass down to the grandchildren and hope they do the same in 60 years time. Legendary.
  17. Care to give an example of what those dirty animals get up to in trap 1, 2 or 3?
  18. Enjoyed the Lennox Lewis documentary on Sky. Some great footage of his old fights.
  19. Can't believe no one put a Kenneth gif in here.
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