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Everything posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. Are you sure you have the authority to negotiate this?
  2. But do you not think he would be rather effective under a manager who likes his players crossing the half way line in numbers? Is that Lambert? all the times I remember watching Norwich last season, I always remember a team defending in numbers, quick on the break. Not dissimilar to us under MON.
  3. Wouldnt make Bent captain, I personally dont think he conducted himself overly well last season. For me it needs to be someone who leads by example, not into that shouty, John Terry type. Needs to be someone respected by all.
  4. i didnt think you'd be able to do it.
  5. Great thread, we had a work experience at the bank I do some contract work for last week. We put him on the weekly pricing phone conference. He fell asleep. Actually proper asleep, at his desk. Granted its boring but at his age I was out to impress. When woken up he proceeded to tap buttons on the phone, somehow caused a huge disruption to a pretty important meeting. I thought he was brilliant, Unfortunately didn't last til lunch.
  6. I know a number of Rangers fans, and they all want to see themselves in the third division. Without that there is no sporting integrity. My forcing Rangers into the 1st division they are gambling that Rangers will return to the SPL within one season. Without that half of the SPL will probably be in administration, the visits of Rangers and Celtic make up over a third of the majority of clubs turnover. How much pressure will be on opposing chairmen and referees to ensure Rangers make it back? I also find it a bit of a joke that all these chairmen want Rangers punished for running with an unsustainable business model. Yet the sustainability of there clubs is based around one with an unsustainable business model. Realistically, i think Scottish football could be an non professional league inside a couple of years.
  7. something i often wonder, you remember on knight rider, when he drives a car onto a lorry. Whats the top speed you can do that at without crashing. surely some clever person can work this out for me.
  8. me to, my main issue though is that I really dont understand the obsession with trying to understand this?
  9. just bought my wife the D3100 for her birthday, loads of people recommending it as a good entry level camera. Got it from Jessops in a twin lens kit for £500.
  10. So becuase they both wear glasses and have similar mannerisms his coaching and transfer policy will be the same as MONs? Do a bit of research first, then please come back and correct this statement. to be fair he is know as Martin O'Neill lite in scotland. The footballing style, as well as a bit of the background are similar.
  11. Nothing to do with tonights game, i'd let him go and replace him with Mcgregor from Rangers. Cost about £2m and about half of Givens wages. Given is a great keeper but we are operating on a budget, his injury record and high wages for me mean we should look to move him on.
  12. remember the game and he looked a prospect. Hoping to see us take a punt on players like this.
  13. Yeah tell us this lies, this is the internet and telling the truth is irrelevant. Plus ive got ten minutes until i pick up my ferrari. Its currently having wings and a gun fitted......im a spy.
  14. Spot on, that, Mike. how i saw it as well. Would also say that anything that can get the holte generating a great atmosphere again is well worth it. Can think of many great days in recent years, 5-1 against Blues and 3-0 against sheffield united were such a great atmosphere. Almost seemed inevitable we would win those days.
  15. personally i still think Mcleish was unlucky. Took over a team that were involved in a relegation battle the previous season. Saw them sell Young and Downing and not given all the money for replacements. Lost Dunne, Petrov, Bent and Jenas for large parts of the season through injury. Id say we finished about where we'd should have. The football was poor but I dont think the end result would have been massively different with anyone else.
  16. i for one would have him back. For those he helped, you realised what a unique position it was to have access to someone at his level at villa. Unfortunately it could never work in the long term as we would never be able to get past peppering him with questions about transfers randys running of the club.
  17. The big concern currently is it matters little about the company and more about the world markets. Bad news in Greece can mean a 5% hit on a lot of financial institutions. Personally id stick it in an ISA, bit more boring but it will be there when you need it.
  18. this is where I am as well. I like what he attempts to do, im concerned if he tried to take our current squad and make them play football, he might get us relegated. They talk a lot about how little money there is at wigan and how well hes done yet theyve been getting sky money for 7 seasons and have just been eclipsed by swansea and norwich with a lot less.
  19. this backs up a lot of what i thought about Mcleish. Nice bloke, not a great fit for villa, experienced a lot of bad luck.
  20. I think we can rule out Martinez now, still in talks with Liverpool and no mention about us from Whelan. Whelans given him a two day deadline, I suspect hes the sort of bloke who will stick to that.
  21. Typical Panorama, this is not typical of Poland and the Ukraine, these things exist but they exist everywhere. In other parts of the world similar documentaries maybe showing the London riots in the run up to the Olympics, is this typical of England?
  22. Not really sure why this isnt used all the time. I think there some sort of sacrifice that required to generate this sort of thing. Have gone through all the books and it isnt covered much in there. Wouldnt look to much into it, its pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
  23. I dont think Facebook will be topped by another facebook. It will be topped by the next way in which we choose to communicate, something completely different that none of us can even think about right now.
  24. this is my reason for wanting Rafa, if he came, he would only come with investment.
  25. could be next on my list, just back from Dubai, officially my favourite holiday destination (after cornwall)
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