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Everything posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. could be next on my list, just back from Dubai, officially my favourite holiday destination (after cornwall)
  2. Odds for manager means very little, they just reflect betting patterns. Yesterday it was mis reported that Guardiola would be looking to take a month away from football (actually said months). This transpired to lots of bets on him being the next chelsea boss.
  3. But were not even in talks with him are we. I assume Whelan would have told us if we were.
  4. people blaming the tree are way off. Given the circumstances Mcleish left under, I fully expect any potential managers to be leaked in the local press. They will want to gauge fan reaction. Look how much closer Kendrick and others are to the club these days.
  5. My only concern is that the Lambert style seems very similar to MON to me. Very direct, counter attacking. Hard to break down.
  6. If he had actually listened to someone and not hired Mcleish or Tick Tock (GH) it would have more money now to play with. What I am saying is doing things on the cheap in the prem is us all over and look where we are. We have players stating they are not coming to the Villa as we are not a big club anymore. I am not saying lets go to Harrods for every signing, let's just not do the Aldi thing all the time. Bent is a good example, only bought as a panic buy to slot into a position where we just sold the supply to the top 4 ? Right player, wrong time, wrong reason, wrong, wrongy wrong. It makes no sense at all. Buy them early in the summer and lets get some pride back instead of messing around on the last day. SPurzzz and the like get 4 or 5 in one go and have them all on the pitch for photos, the Villa are walking around new street checking the photo booth coin returns for the odd quid here and there. Not good enough. I think you'll find the Bent signing was right player, right time. Else we'd have got relegated.
  7. You keep saying this, where you getting this from? :? from the fact that Bent has declared himself a week away from full fitness, yet he hasnt been on the bench. Mcleish said he has asked him about playing and he said he wasnt ready. If you're a week away and committed to the cause, you would risk 20 minutes in a crucial game. it has enraged me. :evil: Yes, but Bent himself said he was never asked. I think I know who I trust more. I guess for me its not just about who i believe. The fact that I think he could have made himself available and hasnt is enough. He would rarely celebrate with others, even went shopping rather than support the team. At the end of the day he left sunderland when we were below them for nothing other than money (IMO). Ive made my mind up about him along time ago, if hes still here next season and puts in a bit more effort I may change my mind.
  8. You keep saying this, where you getting this from? :? from the fact that Bent has declared himself a week away from full fitness, yet he hasnt been on the bench. Mcleish said he has asked him about playing and he said he wasnt ready. If you're a week away and committed to the cause, you would risk 20 minutes in a crucial game. it has enraged me. :evil:
  9. the only reason they have sacked him is lack of season ticket sales, protests and booing at games mean nothing to these people. People wont start to spend until we know the next manager, on that basis i think it will be a quick appointment.
  10. While I dont want to give Mcleish any credit, its important we remember that we are no where near out of the woods yet. The facts as I see them. He inherited a 9th place team that had pulled itself out of relegation with two wins in their last two games. Downing and Young (pretty much all of our attacking play) were then sold. He was given about half of that money to spend and bed replacements in. He lost Dunne, Petrov, Jenas and Bent to long term injuries. The latter Bent was more worried about his euro spot than sitting on the bench for us in a relegation battle. Realistically, where did people expect us to finish. At the moment, who ever the manager I honestly believe we have a squad that finished where it deserved to. We need much more than just a change at the top.
  11. for me its not just a new manager. Our team is so poor now I dont see what difference it would make. Shocking defense that leaks goals from corner. No central midfield, one winger that think hes plays on his own and another that seams like hes been found out in the premiership. A decent striker that doesnt want to play for us anymore.
  12. we keep saying this, but the truth is that it's likely paul faulkner has delivered on all fronts for randy. i think the issue is that he probably shouldn't be CEO, if anything he should be CFO agreed, something people need to acknowledge. Where faulkner and Mcleish are concerned, no one knows the targets. For both it could have been reduce wage bill, dont get relegated, develop youth team and academy. For all we know Lerner may view them as successful.
  13. He can go, no interest in the club. Chooses shopping over supporting his team mate, one week away from full fitness yet cant even sit on the bench in a crucial game against spurs. Whats the point in him being at our club.
  14. While im not defending Mcleish, for every Steve Keane that the fans wanted out and were right about there is an Alex Ferguson and a Alan Pardew. Fans shouldnt make decisions.
  15. also interested in this, the big downside seems to be massively over pricing the new build houses. New builds around by us have continued to rise in price, completely against regional house prices. Buying means you will pay list price, everyone else will be negotiating 10-15% off at least.
  16. My grandad recently passed away, he was a christian and involved in the church for most of his life. At his funeral (attended by about 180 people, not bad for an 87 year old man) a lot of people said a lot of good things about him. The one that stuck with me was that he didnt need to preach about it, he lived it. To meet him you may have not known him as a religious man. You would have liked him though. He had a set of values that he lived his life by, his beliefs were his though. If you wanted to know about them, he would happily talk about them but he wouldnt have felt the need to justify them to anyone.
  17. what age is the fiesta, I added an aux in to my stock focus stereo. Bought a cable from ebay that connects to the cd changer connection at the back of the stereo. Bough a connection from maplins and mounted it all professional like. Cost me about a tenner and an hour of my time in all.
  18. The best football Wigan have ever played according to fans. I've watched their last few games and it was. Very dominating and almost unplayable. Their 3-4-3 system makes sense. I'd love to see them go up against Man City in their current form. their finish to the season has been impressive, as was last seasons. People forget that they then spent the previous 6-7 months of both seasons playing utter dog shit. They even lost to us.
  19. I dont believe for a second that MON had complete control of transfers but if you're in charge of a multi million pound business and you give complete control of everything to a non businessman, then you get what you deserve.
  20. If that was brilliant **** knows what people would think if we had a decent centre forward like Cisse from Newcastle! Heskey was put clean through yesterday but was A) Too slow to get his shot away and Too slow. whilst true, up against Kaboul most would have failed to get shots off. Can remember him beating Gabby several times last season. Good finish to the season but please let him go now. As much as anything, the last two seasons have shown me that you cant afford to blood to many kids.
  21. is this a joke, a mistake for the penalty yes but his performances in the last two games have got us two valuable points.
  22. if its going to happen i think it will be soon. The later they leave it, the bigger effect on season ticket sales. The only real way to get through to people like Randy and Faulkner is by hitting them in the pocket.
  23. think this was never more evident than when robbie keane was at the club. he seemed so far ahead of everyone other than stephen ireland
  24. So Bicks hiow many 'incidents' like this was he involved in? Quite a few I should imagine, most young people have been. Have you never drunkenly kicked a door? Did he drink five days before the Olympics? Or five days before a major competition? Unless your friend is participating in casting, I doubt it. I do not care if the players go clubbing off-season. I also think you are completely wrong when equalling professional athletes to us "normal" folks. You can function well in your job, I assume, even if you are on the piss now and then. These guys cannot because, in lack of better words, "their body and mind is their work". Yeah tell that to God, tell that to the lawyer that goes out for a drink or two and wins his case the next day, I myself intend on going out for a few tonight and fully intend doing a great job in work tomorrow, where I will have to be fully concentrated on the job for 8 hours and given its FA Cup final day, I'll be bloody busy, a new problem to solve every 20 seconds or so. It doesn't matter what you do in life, you need to let off steam, different people do it in different ways. This on the face of the evidence is a storm in a teacup agreed, i got pissed up at the darts last night. had about 4 hours sleep did a pretty decent days work. when i was a lot younger i got into some arguments. Herds a young lad, its what they do. the only people making them role models are us.
  25. I guess we'll see whether that is true at the end of the season. He should walk no matter whether we stay up or get relegated. I personally think he'll dig his heels in and force us to sack so he gets his pay out. I personally think he's deluded and a liar! I dont want the bloke to stay but this seems like a ridiculous comment to make. If hes wants to stay, it will be surely because he believes he can turn us around. What has he done to be labelled a liar. My reasons for wanting him out are that I dont like his brand of football, he seems unable to motivate the players and he goes into some games not thinking we can win. However, unless Randy is going to address our other problems, lack of spending, ageing senior players and over reliance on our youth academy then I dont believe our next manager will achieve much more. At this point we will probably need to address our expectations.
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