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Everything posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. There is a reason no one plays 3 at the back anymore, we would get murdered. Nobody is keeping clean sheets in the prem anymore. We need to concentrate more on scoring goals, for me that means deciding quickly how we can get something out of bent.
  2. But have you looked at Bents goal record. Up there with Rooney over the last 5 years. Consistently hitting 1 every 2 games across a number of clubs. He may take a few chances but constantly gets himself into position for another. Benteke may do more for the team but right now we are desperately short of goals and were choosing to not play to the strengths of a man who has consistently scored in the prem.
  3. The football is undoubtedly better, unfortunately we have become an easy team to beat. Last season we were difficult to beat for long periods, drawing lots of games. No we gift a couple of chances a game and dont take ours.
  4. Wouldnt go near him, for me at the moment our problem is Lamberts introduction of to many new players, a new system and a lack of experience. Despite how early we are in the season, I dont think we can afford to be blooding anyone else.
  5. at what point are we allowed to be concerned about relegation without people saying your over reacting and its to early. We cant score goals.
  6. A one month rolling contract it is impossible to get out of. Id rather scratch my own eyes out than sign another contract with Three
  7. would imagine its roughly the same. Money in football will always drip down to the players.
  8. completely agree, one of my favourite grounds. Only things missing are the atmosphere in the ground and an away win. Were terrible there.
  9. i need a new phone, ive had my htc desire hd for to long and the microphone has pretty much given up. Im only interested in another android phone and will buy it outright. do i get the S3 or is there anything better in the pipeline. I could probably hang on for one more month tops. Thoughts please?
  10. Having spent some time in Scotland recently I've picked up a large concern by many around allowing 16 year old to vote. You are now starting to see small changes in the school system that are very pro Scotland. Things like Scottish children can now only be examined on Scottish authors when sitting gcse English, many examples like this see a very pro Scotland push to young school age children. It almost feels a little 1930s Germany.
  11. im struggling to see the point in it? please explain
  12. Unfortunately I'm not sure he'll stick around as long as moyes has.
  13. My concern is our lack of goals. 4 in 7 league games. Add in the fact that our best goalscorer has been sidelined it is worrying.
  14. a mate of mine has the official case and I think it looks class. Bought from amazon.
  15. its been a decent performance by us, weve had a couple of chances and pressed spurs well. They have been better though and the goals were almost waiting to happen. Both defensive mistakes that could have been avoided. The first we allowed Defoe to bring the ball down at the back post. second goal Bennet got no where near to lennon and allowed him the shot. Wouldnt say its Lamberts fault, just that Spurs are a better team than us. Vlaars had a good game, other than that defensively weve been poor for 3 seasons now.
  16. Man United used to have a shock. Yip Jaap Staam is a big dutch man Try and get past him if you can.
  17. Hes essential today for me. Expecting spuds to have a lot of the ball. We need more players to show this sort of commitment.
  18. personally dont think it will matter. Bale will destroy us again. Think he'll be relishing a chance against our young full backs. Can see Lennon doing very well today also. We'll need Holmans work rate.
  19. I dont see why, both big blokes, decent in the air, reasonably quick, poor first touch, Cole was a promising youngster, played for his country, big money move.
  20. In defense of the parents i would say the following. As a child I would have been allowed to play outside my house at that age. I would have been amongst friends, cousins etc and have been taught to not speak to strangers. The dangers were not thought to exist back then as they may not in this little village. What seems an alien decision to us, maybe perfectly normal to the people that live there, though i suspect not anymore. Similarly as a parent it is not possible to keep track of your child all of the time. I lose track of how many times he has run off from me in the supermarket or the time i realised he could now unlock our front door and had let himself out while I was making a cup of tea in the kitchen. My lads only 2, I dread to think about keeping up with him when he 5. Those things aside I wouldnt let my boy play outside on his own.
  21. to be fair its a forum for opinions. If everyone agreed then this place would have no reason to exist.
  22. Finally. Just back can't believe the comments on here. IMO a very encouraging performance - thought Joe Bennett was outstanding - The only below par performances were from Bentenke and Albrighton. ...But overall a massive improvement on last season - and definite reasons to be hopeful for the future......... Guzan 7 - steady enough Lowton - 7 Vlaar - 7 mostly sound - but over elaborate at times Clark - 6 - still not convinced - but ok Bennett - 9 - MOTM kea\Delph 7 - both made errors - but made up for them with tireless tackling Holman - 8 esp first half Gabby 8 - much better Benteke 5 - one to forget Albrighton 4 - needs to improve considerably IMO I really don't see what Bennett did so well. Thought he looked ok. One man on his own up front caused an awful lot of problems for our defence.
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