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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. I'm a police officer and i've been to a few fairly decomposed dead bodies, but the one thing that stands out to me is rotting onions from my days working at a fruit and veg wholesaler. I have a strong stomach but I just couldn't get near it without dry retching.
  2. Two things that I absolutely hate about modern football 1. Financial Fair Play. The big clubs lock in the glass ceiling and the never ending gravy train of CL football, and everyone else golf claps it in as being good for the game. The fact that Dr Tony can't invest in our club without having to be creative with his accounting is ridiculous. I absolutely agree that clubs shouldn't be able to be saddled with debt, but the current system is awful. 2. The loan system. It's absolute bullshit that a club like Chelsea can get around FFP by having 80 players on the books with 50 of them out on loan. There needs to be a cap on the amount of players you can have out on loan. I'm fine with football being all about wallet size for the most part. There is really no way around that given the amount of money in the game. What I don't like is the massive advantages given to rich clubs to entrench themselves ahead of the chasing pack.
  3. Couldn't agree more. FFP doesn't even stop clubs from going under, it's just a big glass ceiling for just about every club of every size. It's a horrendous thing that i'd love to see a group of clubs band together and challenge.
  4. The A League is unwatchable Sunday League standard trash.
  5. I just miss it being an actual discussion about who was the better club. We were neck and neck with them for a few seasons there and even looked like we might leave them in our wake.
  6. The violence shown by Police was absolutely disgusting. It was also so stupid politically that I could almost believe the riot police were actors hired by the seperatist movement to curry favour. They've drawn the sympathy of the entire world to Catalonia and it's plight, as well as making the Spanish government look like an oppresive monster. If you're ignoring the vote, why not just ignore the vote?
  7. My missus got me a SNES classic, absolutely love it! It's amazing how 20 years later, I still remember all the tricks and secret little hidey holes from Donkey Kong Country. Really hope they do a N64 Classic, Mariokart 64 remains the greatest pickup and play multiplayer game of all time.
  8. This line is getting blurrier and blurrier with Trump now demanding that a rule be introduced banning kneeling from occuring. The NFL have been entirely supportive of the players, and Trump's rhetoric has only worked to unite the NFL, not even really for the BLM cause, but in support of tbeir first amendment rights.
  9. I **** hate the post office. Unsure how it works in the UK, but in Australia we have our nationalised Australia Post. The individual post offices themselves seem to be run as franchises, and they are always owned staffed by the worst deadshit **** imaginable. They're always slow, they're always rude, and there is literally nothing anybody can do about it because they have a captive audience. Short of a private company coming in and trying to take over the sector, we're stuck with them. Overall the post system has never let me down apart from when i've had to deal with these semi-literal potatoes.
  10. You hate to get ahead of yourself as a Villa fan because we've been burned before, but perfect last couple of games. I really looks like we've clicked. Keep it up lads!
  11. Yeah I acknowledge no active action is being taken by the government, but the hypocrisy is more to the point. The far right in the US will drag out the first amendment as soon as anyone questions anything they say even in the most minor of ways, and yet here they are demanding action be taken against people for exercising their constitutional right to a peaceful protest. The President himself no less is demanding the NFL take action. I just feel it treads massively on the toes of the first amendment which these people, in only slightly different circumstances, would say is above reproach.
  12. I genuinely can't believe the cognitive dissonance with regards to the NFL kneelers and the first amendment. It's staggering. The 1st amendment literally states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And you've got the President and millions of "patriots" campaigning for these guys to be fired because they've exercised their first amendment rights. The same Americans that in any other context would shoot you dead if you questioned their right to free speech.
  13. Yeah really happy with that. I loved TFA. It felt so much more authentically Star Wars than the prequels, which have become basically unwatchable IMO.
  14. I only go pockets because if I had to carry a bag around i'd forget about it. Pocket size is always a consideration when buying trousers. I should probably have a smaller wallet than I do but it gets the job done
  15. I feel like such an idiot for feeling positive and supporting Bruce all preseason. What a **** dreadful performance.
  16. In South Australia there is a really good community group based on the Discord chat app. It's always pretty easy to get a group going, and I found we could take down a Zapdos with 6 of us. I imagine there would be similar facebook groups in most major cities, but the Discord chat is good because it has different little threads for different areas so it's easy to coordinate. When I caught my Zapdos I was able to get on the Discord group and had 5 people meet me at the nearest shopping centre within about 30 minutes. We did 3 raids together and I caught him on my 3rd one. I have several workmates that play but we hadn't managed to go out and raid in the time that Zapdos had been available so it was cool to be able to get people mobile so quickly.
  17. Clearly had no beef with the first rider
  18. How much does the content of your websites clash? Nobody owns orange, but I guess if you're in direct competition then it's probably iffy from a marketing perspective. Even then it's really all about how it's used, so i'd need to see the websites for context.
  19. Caught Lugia and Moltres in back to back legendary raids yesterday. It was my first catch in 9 Lugia raids but I am 1/1 for Moltres Now just need the Unown to have every Pokemon I can catch in Australia
  20. Oh I also have a shiny magicarp! But it's 10cp, so a lot of levelling to go. I'm using it as my buddy because it's best value for walking distance and I can use rare candies to level up my Tyranitar and Dragonite. I'm hoping to do some more raiding to get a few more Tyranitars in the coming weeks.
  21. If you do raids you win rare candies that can be used for any pokemon. If you do legendary raids you get a lot of rare candies. I did that to finally get my Amphoros, but i've since hatched 2 and i'm back up to 100 Mareep candies. I've had mixed luck with legendary raiding. 3 Articunos, but no luck on Lugia. I've probably done 15-18 legendary raids, so it's quite hard to get the catch, even with a golden razz and an excellent curve throw. It's flat out at the moment, with groups of players getting around to all the legendary raids. It's never too hard to find the 10-12 players you need if you're in a CBD, and chat apps like Discord are a great way to organise with people to meet up. Despite no Lugia, i've gained approximately 500,000XP over the past 2 days with the double XP and legendary raiding.
  22. Anyone still going? I did 5 legendary raids this morning but didn't catch any of them! I feel like i'll need to strike while the iron is hot with these legendaries, while heaps of people are still after them and it's not hard to find a group to go around and raid. It's a totally different game now at the endgame, i'm really enjoying raiding. I have every Pokemon I can catch in Australia now apart from Amphoros, Unown and the 2 legendaries.
  23. Huddersfield away kit there is based on one of their kits from the 90s
  24. Yep. I can't believe that clubs agreed to this hogwash. An absolutely horrible thing to happen to the game. Gone is the ability for a club to rise up the divisions and actually become a big club through hard work. Even when winning the Premier League, Leicester would have been unable to capitalise on it for sustained success even if they'd had Scrooge McDuck money. You simply can't invest in your own future. I'd love us to challenge it through the courts, but unfortunately we're a big enough club for them to use to make a statement without being too big for a serious punishment.
  25. I hope Rhea Ripley from the Mae Young Classic comes good, she's from Adelaide and I used to go and watch her as Demi Bennett in a small local promotion here all the time. She's definitely got some skills.
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