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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. I first heard this on the PES2017 soundtrack, i'd never heard of them before. I really like the band, right up my alley.
  2. The editing on this is so powerful. I hadn't played a PES game since the PS3, and the ability to knock up a kit in photoshop and just paste it straight on means your edited kits can look just as good as anything a developer could do. Incredibly cool.
  3. Reminds me of the Sergi Guardiola case. Signs for Barcelona in 2015. Is released hours later after it's revealed his twitter account had several posts disparaging Barca and Catalonia as a whole before a Barca/Real game a few years prior. Is now playing in (lol) the Australian A-League which is about league 1 level at it's absolute best.
  4. I don't think the exact current temperature is what it's trying to show (although it's currently hotter than any other point on the graph). It's the fact that the biggest change over a short distance by an enormous amount has happened since the industrial revolution.
  5. This is just a webcomic but it's pretty good. The change in temperature since the industrial revolution is enormous and undeniable. https://xkcd.com/1732/
  6. We were coming from a very, very low base in terms of player culture and confidence. As low as it gets. We're not playing as badly as we did last season. I'm prepared to give RDM time. The season at very least.
  7. They're still tracking at over 1/3 of households having guns in them as well. It's just obscene to think about. There is still no reasonable way of tracking guns or where they end up, either.
  8. I find myself disliking them even more than usual, but on the upside I won't have to deal with facebook tags twice a season from my f***wit mates while we're a league below, so I can probably forget about them for a bit
  9. Tough to narrow it down and i'm probably forgetting lots of stuff Weezer - Blue Weezer - Pinkerton Weezer - White Radiohead - OK Computer The Fratellis - Costello Music The Libertines - Up the Bracket Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust Bowie - Station to Station Muse - Origin of Symmetry Blink 182 - Enema of the State
  10. I went to the pesgaming forums and downloaded the WEHK All-in-one pack, which completely fixes all of the unlicenced teams including national teams and adds in the Bundesliga. Really good stuff. Can be found here for PS4 http://www.pesgaming.com/showthread.php?t=100737 I've found that I can create chances in a variety of ways. I've scored plenty with Villa through pace and unlocking the defence by running onto through balls on the counter. You can't simply dance around the opposition but that doesn't work in real football either. Unless you use Barcelona that is. In my first game using anyone but Villa, I scored from the kickoff with Messi by dribbling around 4 defenders. He scored the 2nd after 8 minutes of gametime and to the full credit of Konami, Fiorentina then started to hack him down at every opportunity. It was brilliant to watch and it made it much more difficult to score, and that was just on the initial fairly easy difficulty. It was great to see the game adapt in that way. I've also scored with Villa from early crosses, cutbacks, shots from outside the box. McCormack is probably my favourite video game Villa forward since Carew. Grealish is brilliant to use in this as he dribbles really well and seems to be able to put players through on a regular basis. No two goals seem to be the same and it's the most natural football game I can remember playing. I'm having a blast. The only current problem for me is that the face for Jedinak appears to be a few years old and he doesn't have a beard, and I can't give him one without having to remake his face. I play a 4-3-3 with Villa like this: --------------------McCormack ---Adomah-------------------------Bacuna/Ayew ---------------------Grealish -----------Jedinak------------Westwood Amavi--------------------------------------Hutton ---------------Richards---Chester -----------------------Gollini Grealish will tend to run the game for me.
  11. I'm absolutely loving it so far. Haven't played a football game for a couple of years, but managed a 3-0 over Birmingham City with a McCormack hat-trick in my first game! It didn't take long to sort out the proper kits etc either. Plenty of options to download on the PES forums and it looks incredible. Took me about 15 minutes including searching online. I love being able to edit to this extent as well, i'll have a lot of fun with this.
  12. Killing it. I'm choosing to see this as a sign that we do have some talent in the squad, it just needs to be confident and playing a good style.
  13. Absolutely brilliant player and it always makes me sad when I see highlights of him play. I wish we could have been good enough to keep him. Consumate professional and a club stalwart you could be really proud of.
  14. Downloading as we speak. The physical copies got delayed in Australia for a week because of a shipping issue.
  15. I order the burger wherever I go. I just went for a week holiday to Hawaii. Great fun! If you're ever in Waikiki, go to Rumfire at the Sheraton and order the Truffle Burger. It was legitimately the best burger I have ever eaten in my life. Phenomenal. Great atmosphere, service and cocktails as well, but the burger was a worldie.
  16. A bit of a weak way for Owens to win but awesome for the storyline. Best finish to Raw in some time IMO
  17. I can only base my opinions on my experience in Australia, and i'll freely admit I don't have any statistics to back that opinion up. In Australia people get tasered when they would otherwise be shot, ie have a weapon and are acting in an aggressive manner which means lives are in immediate danger. Or alternatively, when they are self harming with a weapon and Police are unable to get close to them because of the danger of the weapon. On both occasions, the taser is a less lethal option. I haven't been involved in a situation where a taser has been drawn but the situations where I have heard they have been drawn and deployed by someone at my station, have been against people either self harming with blades, or people being aggressive with weapons where other Police officers had firearms drawn. On both occasions the taser ended ongoing violence and injury. I'm pretty sure in the UK, your general patrols don't carry firearms, so the taser would be your most serious option for general Police officers. That changes things up a bit.
  18. Go somewhere different and play. Mankeys are an annoyance at this point. I've seen about 70 of them and I currently have 85 candies. They are **** everywhere in Adelaide. But there are other pokemon that I know are very common in other cities that I never see here.
  19. If this incident is used to have tasers taken away from Police, i'd imagine that death and serious injury resulting from Police incidents that turn violent would increase, not decrease.
  20. Unless you're acting in fairly desparate self defence, there is no reason to kick someone in the head ever. I'm definitely not arguing that the Police involved aren't at fault, i'm just saying it's not outrageous that a taser was deployed given the circumstances. If they've tasered him and then kicked him to the head while he was on the ground, i'd support criminal action against them.
  21. That grey silhouette on number 6 of my pokedex is going to haunt me for ages. I have a Charmeleon but only about 25 candies.
  22. Found a Charizard during my lunchbreak at work. My colleague's was 664 and he caught it, but mine was 996, drained me of all my ultras and greats and ran away. Pretty crushed. I paid $14 to get 8 egg incubators to make myself feel better
  23. Hahaha I just youtubed it. Brilliant. It appears that they've cottoned on to what was so popular about previous eras of wrestling. Primarily big, charismatic, over the top personalities. People don't care if it's realistic or ridiculous.
  24. If I believed someone had a knife or whatever and was a genuine and immediate danger of hurting me or one of my colleagues or another member of the public, i'd taser him straight away, or shoot him. Especially given that he is covered in blood and the information Police had at the time might well have indicated that he'd killed someone already. The worst possible outcome is that Dalian pulls a knife from his pocket and kills someone else while Police stand there and hope for the best. I've never seen a Police officer stabbed, but an officer in the station I work was killed in exactly those circumstances years before I started, trying to wrestle with a guy who pulled a knife and killed him. I've been involved in jobs where someone wriggled free and sent a Police officer to hospital. Police officers have the right to protect themselves and go home to their families. I wouldn't use a taser unless I knew someone had a weapon, but that officer had a man who he may well have believed had just murdered someone, in front of him, covered in blood and refusing all instructions to back away. It's pretty easy in hindsight to say they should have just grabbed him but it's impossible to know without being there. For all the fearmongering about tasers, they are a less lethal option than a firearm and they save a lot of lives in situations where people would have been shot by Police before tasers existed.
  25. I've been a Police officer in Australia for 3 years, but I haven't actually drawn my taser or been at a situation where someone else has drawn one. (for that matter i've never drawn my baton, spray or firearm either, the vast majority of people can be talked down or taken down with bare hands) The rule over here is that you'd only taser someone you'd otherwise be shooting, apart from in a self harm scenario, where we obviously would taser to stop someone cutting themselves or whatever. For me to consider tasering someone, they'd either need to be holding a weapon or be so much bigger than me physically that the taser was my only option, and in that situation i'd be looking at spray first anyway. I don't believe the taser is something that needs to come out unless the subject has a weapon and is being aggressive with it towards himself or others. That said, I absolutely want to have it as an option. We only have 1 taser between a patrol pairing over here, and i'll always choose to wear it if I can. I'd rather not have to shoot someone if I can get away with it.
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