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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. I've had 4 of the special items since Gen 2 was released, so that's about 2 per week. In fairness if they weren't rare, there'd be no point having them at all. I've managed to get a Slowking, a Steelix and a Scizor, with a dragon scale in my inventory waiting for enough Horsea candy. I have a couple of pokemon that are waiting for a special item.
  2. I reckon they waited a bit too long to release the 2nd generation. Releasing the legendaries is something that might lure back people who had given up, then ideally they'll keep playing to catch the gen 2 pokemon
  3. I was talking with a mate at work who plays and thinking about how they should handle legendaries. Maybe every 100km you walk a Legendary will spawn for you and you've got the opportunity to catch it, but it's difficult to catch and might run away. Or maybe if you get 50 days of consecutive pokestops or catches
  4. Cracked 200 in my Pokedex yesterday by upgrading a Teddiursa. Just need a dewgong, weezing and gyrados and i'll be finished with the available pokemon in Australia from gen 1. I have 47 Seel candies with him as my buddy.
  5. I only need a few more pokemon before i've caught everything available in Australia from Gen 1, so having Gen 2 Pokemon to catch in the mean time makes it a lot more enjoyable. It was a sorely needed update.
  6. If you'd said at the start of the season we'd have a tough start but then we'd get Steve Bruce in and spend heavily on well regarded players, and that Kodjia would become a fairly prolific scorer, i'd assume we were right in the thick of the promotion race. Dr Tony has done everything we could have possibly asked for when we were in the depths of despair under Lerner. He's absolutely faultless in this IMO.
  7. I felt like a right f***wit for defending him this week as I sat through that horrendous performance. God we are a f***ing joke of a club at the moment, even with a good owner who is willing to invest and has done so we're getting played off the park by Barnsley at home.
  8. Life is incredibly short. Don't settle for being 6/10 happy. Take chances and if you're not happy, change things. Change everything if you have to. When you're old and you've been unhappy for 5 decades, you're regret the shit out of worrying to much to make a big life decision. Your life can change very quickly if you know what you want and you're prepared to put all of yourself into it
  9. I think overall we've made some really good moves since Dr Tony took over. I think Bruce was the right move. I think most of our signings have been good moves. But you can't basically turnover and entire football department from the manager to most of the squad to the boot studder and expect it to click straight away. It's tough to be patient now as a Villa fan because we were patient with Lerner and he led us further and further into the mire. We were patient with Lambert and he left us with both sides broken. But we've made positive moves. We've brought in talented players and we have a manager who knows what it takes to advance from this very difficult league. We were absolutely destroyed as a football club. It took years and years of mismanagement to get us where we were. It's not going to be repaired in a few months, even with that sort of investment. We need to consolidate this year and launch next year.
  10. We've had an enormous turnover in personnel throughout the club. It'll always take time for the club to settle. I'm definitely inclined to give Bruce some time.
  11. I really enjoyed the Rumble overall. I hadn't seen much WWE in the past few months, but they clearly are still sticking their fingers in their ears and ignoring that Reigns is the least over wrestler in the history of wrestling. He's a terrible character and a terrible wrestler, and they know that because they put him in at 30 where his terrible wrestling would have the least impact. He's at the point now where he'd have to either go away for a bit and come back with a totally different character, or do an enormous screwjob heel turn. The fans just boo the shit out of everything he does. Disappointed to see Cena win but that's WWE for you.
  12. Loved his work as the Canadian PM, seems like a great fit for us.
  13. What a moment in sport really. That was up there with anything.
  14. And i've been telling all my mates that i'm finally enjoying being a Villa fan again because a 0-4 drubbing would be an unthinkable disaster instead of par for the course against midtable opposition. I'd like to go straight up, but this has been my favourite season as a Villa fan since MON left.
  15. I actually want another large spherical planet destroying battlestation and I want a dark side force user to rub his hands together with glee about how those pesky resistance fighters wont stop them this time.
  16. I still just play when i'm walking the dogs. I'm close to an Alakazam which will be my 140th unique pokemon. I've only hatched a Smoochem out of the new baby Pokemon so far. They had a special over the new year where starter pokemon were spawning everywhere, and I got a blastoise, so i'm getting closer to having everything they've released from Gen 1. They really need to do something about the legendary birds and mewtwo
  17. I rate that goal higher than either of the scorpions. What an absolutely gorgeous move, perfect connection into the top corner.
  18. This happens in every sport. I had my growth spurt early and was probably a foot taller than everyone else when I was 12 or 13, so I was absolutely dominant at everything. Then everyone caught up to me in height and they'd all developed a lot more skill than I had by having to counter the fact that I was so much bigger stronger and faster than them. Ideally, if you have kids who you want to be great sportsmen, you want them to be midgets until late in their teens and then shoot up 2 feet IMO.
  19. The issue we had was that we'd absolutely walk the Oceania qualifiers to the point where you could pick 11 Australian men at random and we'd still get through to that playoff, and then all of a sudden we're in a cut throat playoff against a battle hardened side who has been playing against world class opposition in the lead up. Moving to Asia balances that out a bit. With 48 teams getting picked, we're getting a spot every world cup regardless.
  20. It's actually easier with 8.5 sides getting in from Asia, because in Oceania we could drop a cutthroat game to NZ and be done. We'll get in every single time with 8.5 places. Our qualifying standards will be a lot lower now, which will defeat our original purpose of moving to Asia, which was to have to play more important games against quality opposition.
  21. An incorrect challenge costing a substitution is a great idea! I'd still only limit challenges to 1 incorrect one a game though. I think cricket overdoes it a bit at the moment, and the challenge should be saved for howlers. As for when the appeal is made, i'd suggest play can be stopped instantly after a penalty is initially waved away, but it's a free kick to the opposition if the challenge is turned down. If you combine that with losing a substitution and losing your only challenge, it's not going to be used to slow the game down very often.
  22. Cesaro could not be more overdue for a main event push. Amazing performer, the crowd always get behind him.
  23. This is an excellent idea. It's worked wonders in cricket and tennis and has become a normal part of those sports at the highest level. There's absolutely no reason why it couldn't be implemented in football for cards and penalties. I also hate in football that players are allowed to surround the ref and get in his face. That shouldn't be allowed. Yellow for anyone who accosts the ref in that manner, anything a player needs to say to the ref should go through the captain.
  24. I don't find Boba Fett very interesting, but he's a certainty to get a spin off at some point. I'd probably be most keen to see some more Jedi getting around and completing missions etc prior to the clone wars. The most interesting thing for me about the prequels was Qui Gon and Obi Wan being sent out to deal with the trade federation. Surely there are plenty of stories along those lines starring Jedis we haven't heard about yet that could include cameos from Yoda and even Mace Windu.
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