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Everything posted by DeepDish

  1. We started to notice him in Norwegian football in the summer of 2018 when he single handed crushed the defenders of Brann, scoring 4 goals for Molde before he was solgt to Salzburd. But it was in the U20s this summer people really started to believe that he would become a star. Check out the phtoto from the match against Honduras.
  2. Mings and Grealish held us in th ematch, and then Luiz came on and turned for us. Bit worried seeing both Hause and Konza with lots of errors!
  3. Yeah, hopeless is maybe the wrong word. I was thinking about a Norwegian word and could not get the right word in English. Maybe a bit erratic and immature is better, as I also see something in him, but he struggles with choices in important situations.
  4. So, I have decided to take two days off work in order to see the Watford match in a few days, spent money on a plane from Oslo to London and train to Birmingham and booked a hotel Tuesday. To see a team that doesn't give a shit? Think this was THE game that defined our season. Either it is downhill from here (with early relegation) or we get our act together and turn the season. Now I am afraid it is the former and not the latter that we have in front of us.
  5. Today I missed Collins and Dunne and the hoofball they played.
  6. Would rather have a bit of a hopeless footballer always trying than the no effort we had on the pitch from the start.
  7. My faith in Smith took a beating today. Have always said I will give him the whole season, but today was dreadful.
  8. Hope he don't start the next time we play City, because the development of those stats indicate murder one!
  9. **** me, I regret taking two days off and buying plane tickets from Oslo to London and hotel in Birmingham to see this shite against Watford.
  10. I was a bit surprised that Nyland was so bad when he came to Villa. He was very good in Molde in Norway before he went to Germany. But I think he has found his olf selv again and even improved. Shows that a good keeper who turns bad can turn good again.
  11. I did before, but not now that Targett is the other option. He is miles ahead of Targett. Don't think he is good enough, but I feel a lot more sade with Taylor in the team.
  12. Because they can't or are not willing to read.
  13. It is a lot less gamble to take him on loan than buying a proven midfielder from leagues in Belgium og Holland. We can give him 4-5 matches to get up to speed. We can not buy another foreighner that needs 15 matches to get comfortable in our league.
  14. He is also getting himself in good positions. More coaching and confidence, and I think he will score quite a lot of goals. But very up and down (mostly down in th latest matches).
  15. I expected more urgency and effort from the players on the pitch. Didn't they see the opportunity to show what they got in order to fight for being on the pitch in the league cup semi final?
  16. Nakamba is giving the ball away too easy. Maybe give him a rest in a couple of matches. Even though I have not been impressed with Lansbury, I would try him in the Nakamba role.
  17. It is probably based on the player he wants to use. Meaning he want to give all the three CBs from our last match a rest.
  18. His tactical ability seems a bit bad. Let's hope he improves because I have a feeling Wesley will be out for quite some time. And now let's see what people calling for Wesley out of the team are getting.
  19. Good game today. He seems to position himself very well. Usually I am terrified when other teams are attacking our LB, but not today. In addition to him playing well, I think the formation also helped.
  20. Very good today. Still think he take too much time on the ball and play with too much risk at times, but it looks like he was having more options to pass to today.
  21. One thing I noticed, that we have not seen too much, is how fast he is. Why have we not taken advantage of that before?
  22. I like this new formation a lot. And it helps that the players have started fighting for every ball and every space on the pitch. And Grealish is just immense. And now he has started attacking the spaces to win headers in the box! He is getting better for every month. I really don't care if VAR goes against us or it helps us. It is terrible that they are checking for marginal offsides and hands. You (almost) stop celebrating the goals because you know someone in a stupis VAR room will see if they found something to put the finger on before the goal! Crap. VAR will make English football less attractive for tv viewers.
  23. DeepDish

    The NSWE Board

    When the board has given the manager money to spend, it is not the board's job to sanction or stop the transfer of the players the manager wants to buy. It is basic corporate governance to let the man in charge use the budget he has been given.
  24. Erling Braut Haaland has signed for Borrussia Dortmund.
  25. How difficult can it be getting a proper LB? Look at this bunch of players we have had befor Targett: Neil Taylor Jordan Amavi Ally Cissokho Joe Bennett Antonio Luna Eric Lichaj Enda Stevens Stephen Warnock
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