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Everything posted by DeepDish

  1. Not so fussed about missing out on the player. But the fact that we can not give him a decent contract (I'm sure he would have been happy with 30k a week at Villa) does not bode well for what is happening this summer.
  2. To put our spending in perspective: 17 years ago, when players were cheap and football was not flooded with money, we paid 4.5 mill for Alan Thompson. The year after, we paid 5.5 mill for Steven Stone!! And now we expect to thrive with buying strikers for 1.25 mill (Helenius), wingers for 2.5 mill (Tonev) and midfielders for 2 mill. It is a joke and what I call the ultimate optimism.
  3. Is any of this related to the Bent rumours?
  4. I was having very poor day at work last Friday. Not being as productive worker as I should be. But after a bad week I had a laugh and a beer with some friends at the night. Even posted a picture of me drinking a beer on Facebook. I see now that I am a word removed and a clearing in the woods for disrespecting the company I work in and my boss and the owners. I regret that I took a beer after a bad day at work. I should have gone home and psyched myself up so I can deliver better shareholder value next week.
  5. What's this 2 years we should give the manager? Some kind of unwritten rule? It is not a rule. It is just what I think is meaningful to be able to judge how a manager has fared. First season is the start of the transition. Second season we see how he has created his team and how well he has done. I said when Lambert was appointed that he should get two years to show what he can do. That time is now up. I feel most club owners are idiots changing managers before a couple of season has passed.
  6. 15th place not good enough. No progress points wise either. The two years we should give the manager is over. Has not worked. Let's try a new one and wait until summer 2016 to see if the next one is any good. Two new transitional years waiting...
  7. 15th place not good enough. No progress points wise either. The two years we should give the manager is over. Has not worked. Let's try a new one and wait until summer 2016 to see if the next one is any good. Two new transitional years waiting...
  8. Ah, nice to see a disappointed Terry!
  9. You get what you pay. Or not. He cost 31 mill pounds ffs.
  10. Now that Villa are safe, I would not mind Norwich nicking this match after a controversial penalty. Hate that Mourinho word removed.
  11. I really can't disagree with this, Big_John. But I found your post yesterday extremely harsh. No way has Bowery been at fault for our lack of points this season. As I posted earlier in the thread, he has barely been on the pitch and when he has, we have often been getting points.
  12. When he is gone, it will be interesting to see how the new manager does it. First season will be transition, so then we just have to stay in the league. And we will found out if we have managed to improve to a top 10 finish in the the 2015/16 season and then start to improve to where we deserve to be.
  13. Can you provide a list of the matches where Jordan Bowery's presence has led to loss of points? Was it the 4-0 loss against Tottenham in the cup where he came on the pitch in the second half when we already were losing? Or was it the 10 min appearance when we won 3-2 against City? Or was it the 15 min appearance when we drew 0-0 against Hull? Or was it the 2 min appearance when we won 2-0 against Cardiff? Or was it the 23 min appearance when we lost 2-1 against Stoke? Yes, maybe it was that as Stoke scored 3 minutes after Bowery entered the pitch. Maybe it was the 23 min appearance when we lost 1-0 against Crystal Palace in the 90th minute? Well, it can't be the 1 min appearance when we lost 2-1 against Fulham since we were already 2-1 down when Bowery entered the pitch. These are the only matches where Bowery has had playing time and it really seems that you are easily worried if this is the reference points for your fear that Bowery will lose Aston Villa lots of points.
  14. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/fulham/10244363/Fulham-to-sign-Darren-Bent-on-loan-from-Aston-Villa.html
  15. OGS made one good signing and that was Mads Daehlie. His signings of Eikrem and Berget was merely putting money into his friend, the agent Solbakken.
  16. Cardiff and Fulham does as expected.
  17. What an odd comment, considering his performance today.
  18. Three at the back! We are vulnerable when we are just three at the back.
  19. Why do the McLeish lovers defend him with such quotes?*
  20. No shit ? Klopp to Villa ... oh dear who's been at the bank holiday sherry already I just replied to those who keep mentioning Klopp in the thread titled: "Who realistically should be the next villa manager?"
  21. German experts says that there are slim chances that Klopp goes to United. That means that we can forget mentioning Klopp as a candidate for us.
  22. That is wrong. Kozak was good. Bacuna was good. Add in the fact that the other central defender he bough two years ago was very good, the chances are good that Okore is decent.
  23. Everytime we change manager without having a solid playing style fundament and appoint another manager with the same philosophy, we will be in transition. And it has been all shambles at Aston Villa since MON resigned, so we have, as you say, been in transition for years.
  24. I really do not think new owners are gonna throw their money away. I can see 40 mill spent next season on two or three quality players. And that is fine by me. If we get a new manager, the next season will be a transition season, so I would be happy with better football and a top 10 finish.
  25. Lambert was the first choice of the fans so you'd have to say the fans are a bad judge of manager as well then. Yeah but a lot realised their mistake pretty quickly. Did the owner? I think the owner had different ideas of what is considered a job well done than the fans. The owner wanted to minimise losses and prepare for the best takeover possible.
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