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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Watched Geostorm last night Someone please help me, I keep making bad choices.
  2. You can tell how long ago I purchased a kit!
  3. I remember when clubs used to change kits every year there was a huge furore as 2 years was he norm back then. I assume no club keeps the same kit for 2 years now?
  4. Xela


    Its a sad state of affairs when Liverpool can spend on one OK goalkeeper what effectively Villa are worth!
  5. I don't think any bank allows non account holders to pay/change money now. Some of the big HSBC branches have coin paying in machines, that pays the shrapnel directly into your HSBC account
  6. The Natwest in Wylde Green is shut as well now (that's where I opened my first ever account). I don't often go to branches but was in Lichfield today and popped into my bank - well staffed, no queues and very helpful staff.
  7. Went into a bank today and had fantastic service. Too often banks get a bad rap for stuff done at a high level but the majority of 'boots on the ground' in branches just want to do a good job.
  8. The flush broke on one of our bogs at work last week. Didn't stop about 5 people (estimate) compounding an already messy situation by adding 'toppings' to the mess left in the pan. It resembled a chocolate fudge cake topped with oxtail soup. ?
  9. Off Topic being dead and the only threads busy seem to be bolitics ones ?
  10. The price is irrelevant. He's been garbage. MK Dons sent him back to us early because he was terrible.
  11. He has looked awful whenever he has played. Not just for us but at lower levels.
  12. Xela

    U.S. Politics

    If it was fiction no one would believe it!
  13. Xela


    Bali has always been one of those places I thought about going but never ended up at... always ended up somewhere else to relax, like Phuket, Koh Samui, Borneo etc I'll probably never get there now. Agree about KL - OK for a night or two but not a patch on Singapore, Bangkok or HK when discussing big Asian metropolises.
  14. Absolutely mental to think he thought he wouldn't get found out!In this day and age of social media etc 2000 messages! If I haven't had any luck after 5 messages I give up!
  15. Wonder if Neymar will be on the move now? He won't like Mbappe coming back from the WC with all the plaudits and praise.
  16. Carroll is made of straw! Shame as when fit, he is a real danger
  17. Xela

    General Chat

    I see the French celebrated in style by rioting in Paris and looting stores. Not just the English who have moronic fans.
  18. I have sympathy with the parents if the kid is ill or distressed about flying as it must be horrible. However, if it is just the kid misbehaving because he is bored and the parents are doing nothing to alleviate the situation then that is shitty arrogant parenting. As is taking your misbehaving kids long haul to places like Bali or Thailand. Stick to Greece or Spain and short flights until your child is ready to ready to deal with a long haul flight and can behave himself for 12 hours.
  19. I have seen kids in business class! Its no guarantee to avoid them
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