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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Xela

    General Chat

    We were nearly going out of business. Now this is us:
  2. The layout of that forum is offensive to my eyes and soul
  3. I think @Stevo985 had a similar situation previously. Was in the pub and 3 women on the table next to me were discussing mobile phones and the one was making a big song and dance about getting rid of her 'common' iPhone and going for something different and unique. She got a Samsung! Probably more popular than the iPhone. Its amazing how much drivel people spout
  4. You wouldn't have this morning - last nights balti came out with a vengeance. Surely it is down to other people to say you look younger than you do - it doesn't have the same impact if you say it yourself! ?
  5. We can pay our tax bill now!
  6. I never understand why people feel the need to blurt out their personal lives to everyone at work.
  7. Just the 3 billionaires on the board now ?
  8. A solid 7.5/10 WB I am a big fan of Cruise. Fairly breezy film, not a classic but watchable.
  9. I think its just Cape "Verd"- silent 'e' at the end.
  10. Th Gaucho side of the company is still said to be profitable (as it should be at c£100 per head). Its the 'Cau' brand, the more budget friendly arm of the company that is making big losses. Its that segment which is having real problems as seen with Handmade Burger Co, Prezzo, Byron Burgers and Jamie's Italian all suffering recently.
  11. I think Gaucho will remain open while they find a buyer. Its Cau that s shutting immediately. We've kept the Gaucho reservation open for dinner and also got The Ivy booked for lunch the same day.
  12. Just started Rush Hour Not too bad as buddy cop dramas go. I would assume the Lethal Weapon series would be similar.
  13. Looks like the Gaucho chain is calling in the administrators. Sham, had a table booked at the Brum one for a couple of weeks time. Loved my meal in the Fitzrovia one a couple of years back Any other good steakhouses in Central Brum?
  14. He is when I control the Spotify playlist on casual Fridays at work!
  15. 9/11 is just too complex IMO to have been an 'inside job'. You would have needed thousands/tens of thousands of people involved including 2x national airlines (if you go with the theory that the planes that struck were not passenger jets but cargo jets armed with missiles) It would have been far easy to to a truck bomb in Times Square
  16. I bet they love eating his Cherry Bakewells as well.
  17. Watched Geostorm last night Someone please help me, I keep making bad choices.
  18. You can tell how long ago I purchased a kit!
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