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Everything posted by picicata

  1. Exactly If you want to play the most games you get MS Game pass. If you want to play the best games you get a Playstation
  2. If those 9 year olds had been armed it wouldn't have happened!
  3. Rubbish manager but I quite like him as a person. He has a genuine love of the game that lacks the cynicism of some other old players of the game. He also seems as interested in those teams outside the Sky6 as those in it.
  4. There are some goals I never get bored of watching. That's one of them.
  5. Whilst true, isn't it a bit of a chicken/ egg situation? Can we build a squad strong enough to play in Europe without first qualifying for Europe? Already, if we don't qualify in the next year or two our better players will want to leave. I'd rather qualify for Europe and trust that our management could make it work, than hang on the edges having to replace our better players each year as they go off to play for teams who have already qualified.
  6. I worked on a help desk at a dot com retail site many years ago and someone accidentally listed the entire boxset of Friends Dvds at the price of a single season (about a £150 difference!). Overnight thousands of orders came in and the next day I had to cancel the orders, let people know that there had been a mistake and advice people that the listed price was an invitation to buy and as long as they were told before the item was shipped and charged that we could with draw it. I've never been called a word removed quite as often as I did that day, which, as Bananrama would say, is really saying something
  7. I think they'll be fine but does mean they will be looking again in the summer. They sacked Viera with out a plan in place which isn't a good way to run a club
  8. picicata

    Unai Emery

    I'd have preferred them to make the correct change directly after Smith leaving as it was pretty obvious to most that Gerrard should never have been given the job. As is I'm very happy to have Unai now and our previous manager's tenure has become an unpleasant fever dream
  9. That battle will never end, they'll always turn up at Christmas/ Birthdays!
  10. Yep Of course same situation with us yesterday, if it hadn't hit the players arm it goes in. It's the inconsistency that sucks balls.
  11. My goodness I'm glad we're not involved in it this year! It's about as open a relegation race as it could be.
  12. I agree with you. It's the inconsistency that's the problem
  13. I've given up trying to understand the rules of the game, they seem entirely subjective
  14. And sadly, like Marvel, most of what they're making is shit
  15. I want Traore in just so I can see Unai's reaction to one of his lobbed back passes from the half way line.
  16. I think if Spurs were to scrape into the top 4 then Martinez would be interested. He wants to play at CL level and is unlikely to do that with us.
  17. I wonder if you can get odds on how many horses will die at Cheltenham this year?
  18. For me there are three 'easy' upgrades to be made to the team. A right back more suitable to the system, a fourth midfielder of the quality of Luiz/ Kamara/ McGinn and a attacking partner for Ollie. Get those three correct and we will undoubtedly improve as a team.
  19. I think you totally got the last episode and the points that were being made by the game (and therefore TV show). It's supposed to leave you feeling ambivalent about both the characters and situation. It's makes you ask questions of yourself. It's not meant to wrap things up neatly in the way that so much TV does as life is rarely that neat. Play the game, you'll love it. And sometime when you're pottering round the house, doing whatever, you'll find yourself thinking on that ending and wondering 'what would I do?'
  20. I think we'll strengthen the midfield but I don't think it'll be specifically a McGinn replacement. We will rotate our midfielders
  21. I think Viera had told his players at half time to stop us playing through the middle and if that meant fouling us then so be it. The sudden upping of fouls in the second half would seem to back this up. I don't think Doucoure was purposely trying to injure Kamara, just stopping him in the way his manager has suggested. It'll always be a danger to Kamara as he moves the ball around his feet so quickly that big cloggers like Doucoure will see the best way to stop him is to foul him
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