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Everything posted by flashingqwerty

  1. If i were to drop TA from the start, it would be for Davis not Kodjia. I dont think Kodjia has it in him to spearhead the attack anymore. But i wouldnt be dropping him after 1 bad game, given his season to date.
  2. Nyland had the misfortune of plying in an awful side with an awful defence in front of him at a time where he needed to settle. If he had Hause and Mings in front of him, i believe we would have seen a different Nyland. That said, i think Steer and Kalinic are both better than him. I think Kalinic could be our next Bosnich - i really rate him. Needs time to settle in though.
  3. I am hearing that behind the scenes this deal is already fone. 2m up front with future add ons, 10pw, 3 yr deal.
  4. Your assertion is incorrect. Jack's shin injury was a stress fracture from repetitive stress. More akin to running on concrete without the correct footware. Absolutely nothing to do with fouls or on pitch incidents.
  5. Win the next 3 games, and we are right back in it
  6. Looking at the table, and our remaining fixtures, i still think we have a chance for playoffs if we keep jack fit and performance levels high. We have to play most of the teams above us still, so lots of 6 pointers. UTV!!!!
  7. I have a sneaking suspicion that Jacks return isnt going to have the impact we would like...
  8. 100% Agree. But, my sources tell me the loan had a future fee clause of 7m. If true, it would mean that we effectively can offer him a contract now, and seal his signature, should we so wish. I think, given his injury record, this would be ill-advised until he has 0layed more than 10 games without an issue, which he has not done for 4 years.
  9. Personally, i can't stand the guy. Poor morals, etc. See Wayne Bridge. On the subject of the 'we, us' thing, i agree; he is employed by Aston Villa, those contexts should be reserved for his employer. It's actually very pertinent to my own situation; i changed job in December, and i find myself saying "we" or "us" about my previous company (for whom i worked for nearly 5 years). It's a massive sign of disrespect, and it really bothers me when i notice myself saying those words. So much so that i almost always correct myself. That JT doesn't even attempt to correct himself speaks volumes to me. I would rather he wasn't here given his self portrail in the media. He clearly does not think of us as his home, and i think we need people right now who do. It's a shame, as i think JT was an exceptional talent as a player, and that alone would carry huge weight in bringing top talent. But as a coach, i think he is niaeve, and does not play the politics of his role very well. Clearly not manager material just yet, as a manager needs to be a politician. In that respect, Lampard is eons ahead of him. I dont think he is the right fit for us right now, and hope he leaves in the summer.
  10. Between 5 and 8 million and i'd sign him. Anything more and i think there is better value available
  11. Think we should put Chester at rb when fit andhave a defence of: Chester---Tuanzebe---Mings---Hause Sorts out our 'small' defence issues
  12. Rumours came from people who work at BMH, but they could just as easily be pulling the piss. Laugh if you like. I heard something from multiple people separately all of whom are in a better position than you and i to have an insight into what's happening behind closed doors. Believe it, don't - i don't care. But there is no need for piss taking.
  13. Just forget about the players we lost, the awful state of our finances and nearly falling into administration then shall we? This club is fortunate to still be in existance let alone being promoted.
  14. I have heard rumours, and i dont believe them but thought i should share, that there is no injury and Grealish has fallen out with DS et al.
  15. The thing for me is that DS put a string of 5 or 6 games together where we looked like a good team. I cant recall that many games in SBs tenure where i felt we played well. - wolves, ... Erm... Im struggling for more...
  16. Strange how Hogan is playing well away from Villa
  17. Even forgetting he has 2 hands on it, IMHO his foot is raised, has gone studs up into an opposing player, this is dangerous play and an automatic red card. Raising a foot like that running towards an opposing player anywhere else on the pitch, and its a foul minimum.
  18. Put Grealish and Tuanzebe back into the 1st team and we will start winning again. Obviously need to get them fit first. Our big problem is we have a weak squad but out best 11 is capable of doing well in this league. Long term i think DS can sort it, but whether he can do it this season, or hold on to key players for next, i dont know...
  19. Having watched Revan, Sulliman and Bedeau many times, he was the better of the three for me. Can only imagine something more personal has driven this one
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