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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Cool. Would be good if we could take more.
  2. I had nearly all the WWF hasbro's and a few Jakks ones during the Attitude era. In fact they're all in my parents loft, but they are in a very played with condition. Those Royal Rumble's I used to host cost my wrestlers a lot of paint.
  3. They would try and sell you aids if they got paid for it.
  4. SNES Thursday. DVD/video Friday. Thanks
  5. I will flip a two pence coin and get back to you.
  6. Der ner der ner der ner ner ner
  7. When I steal your original ECW figures will you come round and set them up for me in the same stance as your photo?
  8. Gotta give it to you the GI Joe's are amazing. I'll have them too.
  9. I will find you. I will find you and I will have them. I get ever closer. Just one town away now. Giant Gonzalez with fur, meet your new father
  10. Does anybody have any genuine scientific knowledge or could it be that everything we're told is lies? How would we be any the wiser?
  11. I have estimated that the VillaTalk mean bed time is 11:42pm.
  12. Please give me a full explanation as to how and why. In the 'Science Thread' of course.
  13. Are they just trying to combine as many batman titles as possible? The next game will be called 'The Asylum Rises - and Robin'
  14. Purely as a fan? Argh you bugger. Give Roman one for me will ya. Phwoar. Yeah my friend who loves it is paying for a few of us to go for his birthday. I don't follow wrestling really but my god i would him haha!! Me too, he's almost Mellberg level. Almost. You seem to have a pretty impressive wrestling knowledge for a non-follower. It's okay, you're safe to admit it in this thread
  15. Yes but not for ages why? Me too. Haven't been since Snowbombing's tenth birthday in 2009. Anyway that leads me to my confession: I put ecstasy up my bum one night because my mate said it would work better. Now I'm in my 30s, I'm quite amazed how reckless I used to be! Has it kicked in yet?
  16. So Brum has it's million people without the Sutton preppys? Pah, Let them have their little Tamworth satellite town then.
  17. Purely as a fan? Argh you bugger. Give Roman one for me will ya. Phwoar.
  18. Can we relax then? Surely he's no longer coveted.
  19. Do you count towards the populace of the city of Birmingham?
  20. Come back after 7 league titles 7 FA cups 5 league cups 1 European cup 1 European Super Cup 1 Peace Cup (never forget the peace cup)
  21. What initially drew you to Villa if you don't mind me asking? Doesn't seem to be too much love for Villa down here.
  22. You're not allowed to dislike gay people. It's homophobic. is he actually gay? i always thought that he was just part of this new trend of being a bit camp and metrosexual, wearing ridiculously tight trousers and huge jumpers, sounding like a div because thats cooler than being intelligent and with the same haircut as everyone else He is actually gay. Still a knob though.
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