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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Just started on Ni No Kuni after a few rave reviews on here.
  2. I have never fantasised about sleeping with a dinosaur but the thought is now planted.
  3. Wainy316

    Hi VT

    They had loads of every size when I went (after Liverpool). Incidentally I took two German friends with me who bought one each. They got a separate ticket with their match ticket that acted as a voucher.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-26445914 Looks like the council have got themselves in a bit of a pickle and need to fund themselves. What would this mean for the future of the centre?
  5. You weren't at the Villa v Leeds game in 2000 then? There was a horribly racist chant being sung by a large section of idiots that day. That was horrendous. The single most shameful moment in our history, in my opinion. I'm sure there were worse "back in the day". But this wasn't back in the day, it was the 21st century. FYI anyone that doesn't remember the chant was "I'd rather be a Paki than a Turk". And it wasn't just a handful of people, IMO it was thousands. I'd rather be a bacteria than a big fat bald headed, racist, St George (The Turk) tattooed waste of oxygen.
  6. We're lazy, we can't self stimulate. We expect to be constantly fluffed.
  7. You're not allowed to dislike gay people. It's homophobic.
  8. To date, I have never died.
  9. Uwe Fuchs, I remember him in real life, did he play for Boro?
  10. I wasted so much of my childhood on premier manager. Cambridge were my team, Carlo Corazzin was my club hero.
  11. They do it German style in the Lower Holmesdale, stand and sing all game long. I saw them (horrendously) get mauled at home to Small Heath last season and were still chanting and banging drums at 0-3.
  12. And that's when you're sitting.
  13. There's no reason we can't get 15 points from our last 10 games. We won't, but we should.
  14. You just knew you'd have a guaranteed two likes from me.
  15. A bit of lefty? I consider myself left leaning but she leans so far left she goes all the way round and comes out racist all over again. Why don't people see that differentiating by race which ever side is racist? Non acknowledgement of skin colour is non-racism.
  16. so you listen the the Radio a lot then? Ha, it would seem! I'd say I hear a lot of radio rather than listen. Usually on in the office and cars I'm a passenger in etc.
  17. Awesome. I'm going to steal and win kudos on facebook with this beaut. Thanks.
  18. Bruno Mars - Locked out of heaven Passenger - Let her go With the odd Avicii song thrown in. Played on a loop all day every day on all radio stations it seems. Has been the case for well over a year and doesn't look like relenting any time soon.
  19. Palace are the closest you get over here. they even have a mega phone man that stirs the crowd up with his back to the game.
  20. can't we just watch him play for Belgium to see that? Or wait for Lambert's summer shopping spree
  21. Who are the goodies and who are the baddies?
  22. Am I missing the sarcasm or is this serious?
  23. Sell by all means but sell him for the benefit of Aston Villa not Christian Benteke.
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