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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Is that real or a very accurate hypothetical situation?
  2. I make an annual Bundesliga trip and my German friends come here for a few games. I think they were quite let down by the atmosphere first time. They tell me all their friends that have never seen the Prem seem to think our atmosphere will be amazing. Home of football, self proclaimed best league in the world and all that.
  3. Obviously that's your opinion. I'd say the fact that Radio 1 and 2's breakfast shows (a lot of which is "talk") average about 16 million listeners between them (and I'm fairly sure those figures don't include anyone under 18) suggests plenty of people want to hear it. 16 million that's like 1 in 4 people, surely that can't be accurate?
  4. Football fans are stupid by default. I think all the Villa fans with a brain are in off topic.
  5. It's a toast morning. Late toast I might add. May push my lunch back an hour.
  6. So when these "DJ's" are chatting incessantly and having shite phone in competitions they actually think we want to hear it? I understand specialised pod casts but it's very rare anyone on main stream radio is going to have anything interesting to say.
  7. Are any of these lads genuine prospects? If so, can't you pack them off to Villa?
  8. I have no idea why anyone with an ipod dock or CD player in the car would ever listen to the radio apart from live sports. Not keen on sifting through 50% talking and 30% adverts with the hope that they might play a good song in the other 20%.
  9. Science was planted by god to test our faith.
  10. He looked less interested in the fourth goal considering he was right on top of it. He just lay there while everybody congratulated Delph.
  11. He's got a bit of grace period now with a week off and then Chelsea where a battling defeat wouldn't be overly frowned upon.
  12. Yeah or Pires against Schmiechel or even Giggs against Arsenal in the FA cup.
  13. I'd say it only goes about 1ft but its better than nothing
  14. While we're dissing Manchester I'd also like to say that Brum city centre is coming on very nicely imo. Some great pubs too.
  15. Sometimes it gushes out and sometimes it proper squirts out.
  16. Bagged himself 5 goals now hasn't he. Stick him up front!
  17. Wainy316

    Hi VT

    I've worn my Villa scarf to Bundesliga games. I think you can get a Villa shirt for £10 when you buy a ticket for th Chelsea game. May be worth it for you?
  18. Wolf of Wall Street was fantastic. And oh my god, Margot Robbie!
  19. I remember a beaut of a team goal in 4-0 win against Bolton (I think 2008). Wonderful multi pass move finished by Gabby.
  20. Oh dear Frankfurt apparently have the best fans in Germany. Can't imagine what he thought of the atmosphere. Hope you enjoyed it though mate!
  21. Yeah other teams fans are the same tbf. Spurs fans are particularly bad. They were whinging about yesterday (they won), and they have been moaning all season. I think it's just English football fans, we are very poor compared to fans on the continent in general.
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