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Everything posted by JoshVilla

  1. Giving the Silk Sonic album a spin. Rather enjoying it.
  2. Online players forcing you to watch their replays of tap-ins on FIFA. Getting battered by a random 10 year old on FIFA because I don't have all day every day to play it because I'm a grown man with a job and a kid. When FIFA decides that you're going to lose a game in career mode and makes all your shots hit the woodwork and your keeper score an OG. In fact, just FIFA in general. I think I'm done with it now.
  3. Jack jumped ship as things were looking up for us. Smith was sacked because we were trending down under his leadership. That's why the "loyalty should work both ways" argument is invalid.
  4. Brilliant card. Gaethje v Chandler was a FOTY contender. Top end of the Lightweight division is unreal. Rose did just about enough, but could have gone either way. Ground control at the end probably swung it. Usman is just so sharp, he looks unbeatable at the moment. If Edwards beats Masvidal (Edwards is the better fighter, but Masvidal is awkward) then he should be next in line, though sadly I don't see him beating him.
  5. Longest serving manager since MON, just over 3 years. It's kind of sad that we're on the managerial merry go round again. How I'd love for us to finally have a long term manager of 5+ years with sustained progress & success.
  6. Moronic posts from Gabby and Jack. Football is a results business. It'd be stupid of any club to keep a manager in a job when they're losing games for the sake of blind loyalty. Relegation costs money and jobs. If things aren't working out for the good of the club, it's the board's responsibility to make big decisions to fix it. That is in no way the same as a player jumping ship to from his boyhood club for guaranteed success and more money, and thus contributing to this whole situation in the first place. Idiots.
  7. Absolutely loved the bloke during his time here. For the first time in a long time, it felt like the board, manager, coaches, players and fans were all singing from the same hymn sheet. He brought the feel good factor back to the club and gave us some fantastic memories. However, I do think that it was the right decision from the board. It seemed that something wasn't quite right, and the spark had gone. Some of the decisions regarding selections/formations reflected those of a manager who is panicking and losing control. It's going go be a gamble, sure, but someone has to make these big decisions, and the last thing we'd want to do is wait until it's too late.
  8. Finished Dread today. Overall, I thought it was excellent. Harder than I thought it was going go be, and some moments seemed to give a glimpse of what Prime 4 could potentially be like.
  9. Great card coming up tonight. Usman v Colby 2 is bound to be fireworks. Surely Leon Edwards will be fighting the winner if he gets the job done against Masvidal next month. There's no one else left that deserves it more in the top 5. Would be amazing to see a WW UFC champ out of Brum.
  10. Came here to post exactly this. Phenomenal album.
  11. The tape that Amazon use on their parcels. The string in it is like bloody razor wire when I try to open the boxes with my bare hands like the testosterone ridden alpha male that I am...
  12. Why do I even bother wasting 3 hours every Sunday night watching this shit. We've been rebuilding for about 10 years now...
  13. Sunk a fair few hours into this now. It's absolutely brilliant. I would say that, even if you have an OLED Switch, don't bother playing it in handheld mode. The game is gorgeous and you need to have it full screen on the telly to really appreciate it. It's safe to say that Metroid is back.
  14. Prince was his actual name though. Unless you mean when he changed his name to a symbol (see avatar), which was more of a protest against his record label. While we're on the topic of Prince, massively underrated IMO. Yes, he's known for the 1999, Purple Rain era hits, but his lesser known stuff is absolutely gold. Phenomenal musician.
  15. Goes without saying, but Ed Sheeran. The thing about him is, his music isn't even what you'd call terrible. At least not as bad as Cardi B or any of that bollocks. It's just run of the mill singer songwriter stuff that you can hear at any open mic night anywhere. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact that he's reached such astronomical levels of success is baffling.
  16. Yeah I can see why it's not to everyone's taste. I think his best stuff is when he's gone down the more funk/soul route. I love his more jazz/fusion/crazy stuff but his envelope filter-heavy bass tone works so well for funk. I quite like Level 42 guilty pleasure I guess you could say...
  17. I can see why his music might not be everybody's cup of tea (I'm a big fan personally), but there's no denying that he's a phenomenal bass player.
  18. Spent a couple of hours on Dread this evening. It's marvellous.
  19. Just to play devil's advocate (as I was in the first place anyway, I just try to be as open minded as I can), I've seen a few arguments that are essentially: they have around 99% probability of the virus essentially giving them cold/flu like symptoms and then they will be over it in a week or two (in theory) - whereas potential effects on an unborn child are still unknown and considering that they were told in the first place not to have it, don't want to take the risk until the baby is here safe and sound. Again, I'm not saying "you definitely shouldn't", but I understand why people in that situation don't, and I think it's unfair to tar them with the "anti-vaxxer" brush in this instance.
  20. I don't think it's as black and white as "all unvaccinated people are morons and get what's coming to them". I fully sympathise with pregnant women, for example, who aren't comfortable getting the vaccine until there is hard real world evidence, in practice, that the vaccine will not have an effect on their unborn baby. Obviously, you need people to have it in order to get the data in the first place, but you can surely understand the people that don't want to be the guinea pigs, so to speak, and aren't comfortable with it. That's a very difficult situation to be in. Keep in mind that they were told not to get the vaccine if you are either pregnant or planning a family only a few months ago. If someone was in that position and then ended up losing their job, that is just all kinds of wrong.
  21. That is a very slippery slope...
  22. Dread reviews are in, pretty much 9/10s across the board. Buzzing for this now.
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