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Everything posted by Bazdavies79

  1. On the pitch they were was the point I was making, which led on to my second point that with their better revenue they coped better.
  2. I think Spurs are able to sail through the rough times on the field much easier than us as their revenues are higher. We were reaching much further beyond our 'natural' position but were a bit too ambitious in hindsight.
  3. The finances need to be brought under control, but he needs to appoint a good manager to guide the club through the tough times, he's failed on that score. It's worth remembering Daniel Levy was failing at Spurs for a long time, the upturn in fortunes came after they finally bungled their way to appointing Redknapp. Now, apparently, he's brilliant.
  4. Good news, definitely a lad with a bright future.
  5. Ideally I'd keep Cuellar, but if his wage demands are high, I'd let him go. He's not irreplaceable. I'd also try my best to flog Dunne, Collins and Warnock. I'd keep Hutton, he's probably the best defender we have. Of course I use the term defender loosely as he cant really defend, but he's a willing and effective attacking right back and so offers something to the team.
  6. Hmm, he probably qualifies for Ireland then.
  7. Daniel Johnson is English isn't he? He's looked impressive in the clips I've watched, I think he's got a big future.
  8. I was allowed to watch Poltergeist, Nightmare on Elm St and The Exorcist when I was far too young and had nightmares after each one. I even remember the green VHS case that came with The Exorcist to this day, and I remember begging my mum to let me watch it. I also remember having to leave the room halfway through! They all make me laugh now, especially when I think of how scared I was when I watched them as a child. The Exorcist is nothing but a load of old Catholic bullshit lol. My mum shouldn't have let me see them really, it did me no harm but probably made putting me to bed much harder for her at the time lol.
  9. I think he's a good player. Excellent close control, technique and an uncanny ability to turn players makes him a pleasure to watch at times.
  10. It's the way he tells em'.
  11. ..................Given.................... Hutton..Collins...Cuellar...Warnock ..................Petrov..................... Albri....Ireland...N'Zogbia...Gabby .................Heskey.................... Something a bit different, though I'd expect Heskey to last his usual 30 mins before collapsing to the floor with a 3 week injury, after the lightest of challenges.
  12. He has the technical and physical ability, but as has been said before countless times, he doesn't seem to have the drive or desire to succeed.
  13. It's wrong to take advantage of the recession and pay awful wages, and no matter how it may be dressed up it's deeply immoral. If a company has work for someone, particularly one with huge profits, get em in and off the dole and pay them a decent wage.
  14. Drinking alone is ok, if only done on rare occasions and the drinking isn't too heavy, IMO. Let your hair down, listen to your music, watch your porn, erm I mean TV! Talk to yourself in a slightly mad way, it's fine... But it should never ever be preferred to the company of a lady!
  15. Huntelaar's run for the first and header for the second were class. He is a player I like.
  16. Ahh, of course, it all makes sense now.
  17. I had a dream about an injured barn owl last night, I felt very frustrated that nobody would help me get it to the vets.
  18. Unexpected, he looked quite healthy for his age. I'm sure my uncle was mates with him in school or something like that, I'll have to ask my mum. RIP.
  19. The Ellis/Lerner comparisons are irrelevant IMO because they're different eras. Also you can't just cherry pick Ellis' best five years from a 20+ year stint, as some have done, and expect anybody with an ounce of intelligence to take you seriously. It's better to judge Lerner's performance relative to that of his contemporaries.
  20. my mums works for Lloyds earning £15k a year, and she was told last week that she being made redundant (along with most of her department). Same here - both my brother and mum worked for RBS. My brother was made redundant last month and my mum was supposed to lose her job last November. Fortunately they changed their minds about my mum and she's still there. She now tells me they're recruiting temporary staff to fill in for the people they made redundant... Maybe they'll recruit 'work experience' staff.
  21. Just the one injury suggests freak accident to me. How many other injuries has he got from going to hard into tackles?
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