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Everything posted by Bazdavies79

  1. Shocking. What is it with footballers health lately. RIP.
  2. Routine win for United. We'll be let off by Fergie looking for his team to do a 'professional' job rather than entertain. A comfortable 2-0 to them.
  3. Meh, if he gets a decent manager in everyone will love him again. Football is quite fickle.
  4. I prayed to god for a miracle once, it never happened. Meh, he was probably too busy giving African babies aids that day, fair play.
  5. I guess the point is, has he been replaced effectively? N'Zog + a few million up on the two deals. I think so. Should be in the N'Zogbia thread though really.
  6. If you can get the best out of Zog, he's the better player, I think. Technically he's superior, in fact he's very good. But his personality seems to be an issue, and probably the reason he's not got as far as his talent should have got him in his career, yet.
  7. Any claims should be demonstrably proven before anybody is allowed to use them in their advert, perhaps?
  8. How about you take the side of caution and just stop them in the first place, then lives will not be lost. Close the stable door.
  9. Making false claims of miraculous cures is praying on vulnerable people. After their dead and gone no amount of compensation will bring them back.
  10. These bloody protesters, stopping the Oxbridge school sports day, stealing the Olympic torch off poor Connie Huq, stopping people from getting into St Pauls in London. Why oh why don't these 'people' do their protesting quietly out of the way somewhere, eh??
  11. In the 50's cigarettes were advertised as cures for all sorts of ailments.
  12. I'm not mocking Emily Davison, she's got more guts than me. Aung San Suu Kyi is another great woman. These are the kinds of females women should look up to in their sisterhood, not the spice girls. Anyway I digress, I was making a sarcastic point not in anyway having a go at Miss Davison, quite the opposite. Edit, pointless word filter is pointless.
  13. Well done United. I really thought even City couldn't mess this one up. A relatively mediocre United side, Chelsea being a bit of a joke, ditto Pool, and after the money they've spent. They've all but nearly blown it, and ha **** ha! Fairly bread and butter run in for Fergie now.
  14. Ahh yes, I can see now, you're absolutely right.
  15. Actually, that's exactly what he's done. We may have drifted down to the bottom of the mid-table pack since Christmas but we have always been reasonably safe (despite the air of panic over there in the "Relegation" thread), not teetering on the brink of the relegation zone like last season. That may well have more to do with the failings of the 5 clubs below us but it doesn't provide the killer reason to get rid of McLeish. Fair enough, I don't think we've been comfortable enough though. We've been looking below us for a bit too much of the season. Will he get sacked? I don't think that is as remote a possibility as some are suggesting, I can't see performances improving dramatically from now to May and that might just be enough to rid us of him.
  16. I think Randy may be a chairman more likely to give managers time than most. If so I think that's a good thing and not something to criticise. However AML has failed to hit his very minimum target of positioning the club in a safe mid table position for most of the season, so I think Randy would be foolish to keep hold of him. Paul Lambert would be my choice.
  17. Perhaps he's making the point that the quality of his own privileged education should be available to others of all backgrounds. I see no conflict there. Anyway, I don't know enough about this fella to comment on his actions, but I was making a more general point related to Villadude's post and your agreement, about people using sporting events as a platform for their cause.
  18. It's only a semi pro annual university boat race. The background of the protester is completely irrelevant.
  19. Here's another one. What an absolute c!nt; she deserved to die.
  20. AMC has clearly missed the boards aims this season, and by quite a large margin...
  21. Because he wasn't - as said before he got involved a lot but his quality let him down every time. Disagree, he was our best threat. Should never have been dropped.
  22. Why was he dropped after he was one of our best if not the best player v Arsenal? I can't fathom that one out. Crap manager is crap.
  23. Some nice passes, one of the better performers in the last game.
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