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Everything posted by Adam2003

  1. Just looking at prize money - that goal was worth a not insignificant €166,000 to them (and cost us €334,000). But then we also got €650,000 for winning the group (vs €325,000 if we had been runners up). Starts to add up a bit - we’ve banked a few million from the group stage at €500,000 per win and got just under €3,000,000 just for making the group.
  2. That’s the nature of a group stage, especially when already through. A point for them is a great result, a point for us guarantees topping the group, no real issue for either side if they lose. It is how it is and it’s down to us doing the job over the last 4 games.
  3. So far this season Konsa has played 18 games, Carlos 16, Pau 17 games, Lenglet 5 - and it’s only December, and we went out of the League Cup first game. Where we are going in the next couple of years there will be plenty of gametime for everyone who performs to the level required!
  4. Don’t think the top part is true. People not in denial generally accepted he had one. No idea on DL.
  5. I think Dougie is the best player in our squad - BUT, in my experience, there’s nothing players value more than being the guy who puts the ball in the net more than anyone else.
  6. I absolutely love the lad, and always supported the signing, let alone what a great player he has been, but he’s still got a couple of levels to go to reach the same place as those lads. Hence them having a bunch of Premier League, FA Cup and Champions League medals that he needs to collect over the next year or two
  7. Alright mate what else are you tracking about me?
  8. He did a lot of whining but to be fair one thing he said was “I haven’t seen a team do what we did to Villa since we won here in February” - that sounds backhanded in the context of the game but it is a compliment big picture - he’s right and it’s absolutely astonishing to think no-one has really outplayed us at home in that time, never mind beaten us.
  9. Points per game over the last year has us bang on course for CL but not the title. Up to any individual whether they think we will keep improving or tail off…
  10. People would have made similar comments about Withe until he showed them they were wrong.
  11. Agreed. It’s a double-edged sword adding to a group like this midseason. For every Arshavin there’s a Cascarino.
  12. If we want to really overachieve this season, we need fringe players to be able to come in and do ok.
  13. Rest as many as possible for next weekend. Keep Digne and DL in given they are suspended for that.
  14. Side note but this is why I can’t stand people writing off a player or a particular attribute. They can learn almost anything if a good coach focuses on it - they are all elite athletes, even the ones we laugh at!
  15. I’d like to see him score from a corner tomorrow
  16. My Plymouth mate, who is a good judge of a player, says he’ll 100% play at a high level in the PL. Whether that’s with us or not who knows.
  17. Sorry, not having this. Sure, some great players out, but Pep had Kovacic, Phillips, Bobb, Nunes on the bench - all midfielders/attacking midfielders who cost more than our four-man midfield put together - some of them far more than twice as much. If he doesn’t trust them and plays two extra CBs in midfield instead, that’s his bad management not limited availability. But agree, this will be a very different game.
  18. Don’t think Emery operates in that way tbh - both will still get plenty of time over the 30+ matches we have left to play this season!
  19. Or Arsenal if someone is exhausted from last night! Plenty of games to go around
  20. He passed it out of play twice, just poor passes, and I expect so much from him that I was kind of disappointed until I remembered he was *absolutely dominating* the treble winners. What a player.
  21. Modern world - I saw someone say “we had patience with Tielemans and it paid off.” Tielemans has started three Premier League games.
  22. This should maybe be reworded as “after exactly the start we should expect with any new signing thrown in in those circumstances” and then should be repeated across basically every thread!
  23. Agreed other than their might be a factor of fitness/recovery with that game coming so soon - he was blowing at the end even before that kick on the calf!
  24. Now to be fair every other player has been written off on here as well!
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