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Everything posted by Adam2003

  1. “Gut feel is I’d like to see him come in”
  2. Really become a valuable part of the team this season. Doing great.
  3. This better not be you, Nicolo, you naughty boy
  4. I by no means think I am always right on this stuff but I (and a few others) used to be shouted down by so many when advising people there was something there with DL and they should be patient, and I really feel the same with Zaniolo. He’s been inches away from multiple goals and assists. I’m confident it’ll come.
  5. Love reading threads like this, really takes me back to the overwhelming opinion of Douglas Luiz on here a couple of years back or John McGinn a year ago.
  6. Would take a draw here but hope we can win it. Really important thing is keep keep keep winning at home.
  7. Feel sorry for the lad having to live in Nice though when he could be in Birmingham
  8. For my mental health could threads about anyone over 60 include ‘(not dead)’ in the thread title so I don’t panic when they are bumped?
  9. Look this is a serious point and fair play to you but on the other hand I’m sure Wills will make sure Emi gets the Falklands written into his next contract.
  10. Plus they lost that war with the emus in 1932.
  11. I get your point, and if someone offers huge money for someone in their 30s you have to consider it. But it’s just SUCH a hard position to replace. Dropping £50-100m doesn’t guarantee anything - look at Chelsea, Man United etc - but the guy you have in goal can be the difference of multiple points per season. I’d hang on as long as we can especially as he seems happy.
  12. I think he meant Diaby’s role in the own goal for us…
  13. I have no reason to believe it’s true but I guess the logic if it was would be this is essentially a loan deal reworked to benefit us from an FFP perspective.
  14. I’m seeing a different player to most - absolutely loving some of his stuff. Very confident he’ll come good if he doesn’t get banned.
  15. Nah I absolutely love that we can concede a comedy own goal and still cruise
  16. I can argue equally that being coached by Unai Emery and playing alongside Douglas Luiz and Bouba Kamara in training every day is better for him than playing second tier football being coached by second tier coaches. Anyway on the bench today so let’s see what happens in the next few months.
  17. Absolutely love this coming within minutes of my last post on homegrown European qualification Different strokes for different folks I guess…
  18. Also a good reminder when we as fans jump to “get player X out on loan” that if we hope to become European regulars there are reasons to have them stick around our U21s etc.
  19. Not sure I buy this. Our first season or so back in the Prem he was really good, people were talking £50m even with his injury struggles back then. But I agree with you completely that he is at a higher level now - I remember someone saying he is dominating games now like he did in the Championship, and it’s against top half PL midfields… thought that was a great description.
  20. Well yeah, he’s our only other fit left footed centre back
  21. Come on man have you seen the interest rates lately?
  22. Agreed, this is his third start for us and if players aren’t delivering by that point they never will
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