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Everything posted by Junxs

  1. The Last of Us remastered on PS4, and also Max Payne 3 on PS3. Also trying to fit in Sly Cooper on the Vita wherever I get the chance.
  2. I gave up on UT, played about 10 games but got fed up of having to buy player contracts after every game. Seasons is much better. I like how you can save your team now so you don't have to pick it before every game in a rush to beat the clock. (I haven't played since FIFA12)
  3. My PS4 wont go into standby mode either, just get the orange flashing light for hours and hours. Have to pull the power out then it runs the hard drive check. Whats going on? something to do with the software update I think. It wouldn't load my save on The last of Us after that so I had to start from scratch again.
  4. I find he keeps giving the ball away, twice against Everton he tried a simple lay off to the overlapping Cissokho but under hit the pass both times. A simple pass on both occasions got it completely wrong. I'm yet to see him have a good game for us.
  5. One of my 5 platinums is Far Cry 3, I've since bought Far Cry 1 & 2 in steam sales but yet to play them. Looking forward to Far Cry 4
  6. Junxs


    I'm up for joining the club once the PS+ version is released. You can add me now if you like for preparation id: junxs
  7. I don't see the appeal of ultimate team either.. stopped playing fifa online all together a few years back as got fed up of people quitting as soon as you take the lead.
  8. Anyone know if the supermarkets are doing a midnight launch for £25? Thinking of getting it this year as I sold it last year just a few days after buying it (I felt 13 was better).
  9. Nothing on the official site yet. Reading back on here few pages it looks like a loan until January with an option to buy for £7.5m? eeer isn't he out of contract in the summer?
  10. Thats becuase Milner actually did well before he went to Man City and earned him move there. Cleverly did ok at Wigan on loan, and rarely played for Man U yet found himself in the england team ahead of much better players who actually play week in week out. So when Cleverely leaves in a few days, his ex supporters wont have a good word to say about him, but Milners ex supporters (us) still will.
  11. We're getting Valencia instead now? More like it, we need a good winger.
  12. It says a lot when you pay £8m for a player yet can't see who he is better than in our current starting xi Could this not have waited until next summer and picked him up for free? For a club that's allegedly got no money this makes absolutely no sense to blow the entire budget on someone who wont improve the starting xi much, if at all.
  13. Tried the PT demo last night about 5am for half an hour before I went to bed. Now I'm not the tyoe of person who gets scared easily. So much that I gave up on horror films as I found them not scary and just rather silly. For the first time in an absolute age I felt scared.. Looking forward to the actual game, it felt good to be THAT scared.
  14. Stick it to the man is really good. You may already have it if you're a PS+ subscriber. I picked up both Second Son and Black Flag for £20 each from Grainger games. (free delivery)
  15. Nevermind, I just read the rest of your post!
  16. Thanks packoman, but how come its only showing 50-41 with no option to go to next page? Is it a daily thing where the next 10 are shown tomorrow? doesn't explain anywhere.
  17. Junxs


    Oh thats a shame, would have tried it if I knew there was an end date rather than spend last couple of weeks on Skyrim and Second Son. I thought it was like a demo once you download it you can play it anytime. Never tried a beta before, well I guess I still haven't.
  18. Junxs


    I downloaded the beta, but not been able to play it. Just says bungie servers are not available every time I've tried.
  19. Loved this game, one of only 4 games I've managed to platinum. I've even gone and bought the first 2 on steam just to see what they are like.
  20. Since the launch of the PS4, the PS+ titles have taken a nose dive. If I hadn't stacked up on a few years worth when it used to be good then I wouldn't have renewed but I'm signed up until 2016 or something like that. I know you need a sub to play online, but I'm not too fussed about that as most games I play are single player campaigns in the middle of the night when everyone's sleeping anyway. Fifa they've removed the create your own league option for a few years so I don't play that online anymore either.
  21. I fixed my PS3 last week. I opened it up, vacuumed all the dust out and found a pin blocking the CD so first thing I did was test it by putting Skyrim in, sure enough it works now. News gets better - Theres a new patch which has fixed my problem ^ Spent all last week on Skyrim trying to platinum it (rather than play on my new ps4!) just 3 trophy's away now
  22. anyone know how to watch a video via usb HDD? when I connect I just don't know where to go. PS3 has a video section which shows plex, other media servers and hard drive when connected.
  23. Where'd these Ronaldinho comments surfaced from? Quite possibly the most skilful player of all time, definitely since I've been watching football since the late 80s.
  24. Worked it out ^, there's no mid mission saves. You have to fully complete each mission before exiting the game, not looking forward to getting stuck towards the end of a mission meaning I cant play a different game until I keep trying to complete it or start the mission from the beginning again. Having said that it's definitely one of the Vitas best games. Shame Sony have pretty much said there'll be no more western AAA games for the device. Don't normally play Japanese games but hope they really bring some good stuff out. Can only dream of a Metal Gear game as that's the only Japanese game I really like.
  25. I feel really stupid for asking this, but anyone played Killzone on Vita? I recently bought the game but every time I load it I have to start from scratch.. I can not find a continue option. Spent 20 minutes first time around, then had to start a new game - played another 40 minutes just now, but after playing a bit of motogp went back to killzone and it seems I have to start all over again, again? Ive been through every menu option it seems to remember my stats from previous times but not the save..
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