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Everything posted by Hev

  1. WM said that we won't hear anything for at least a month as they haven't even announced a period of exclusivity yet - and that takes at least a month. They were painting a really grim picture - but that's normal with WM I guess. I hope that's not right though as I am hoping for good news this week!
  2. As long as he is not found in "Slaggers"
  3. If anyone has a return or spare ticket they can't use, I would be ever so grateful if they could PM me - I just missed out on a ticket on Wednesday when they sold out - thanks
  4. Hev

    Adama Traore

    Ray W on Talk Sport said that it was a toss up between Adama and Aaron Lennon who came and "the Club" went for Adama. Alan Brazil questioned "the Club"? and Ray said firmly "The Club" !
  5. Ray Wilkins was on Talksport this morning. They were talking about Gabby. He said (in a polite way) that whilst he was there earlier in the season, he had spoken to Gabby about his physical condition and was told that he would sort it out himself and that Ray W needn't bother (or that was as polite as he could say on the Radio). Seems Gabby really is a bad apple isn't he. RW also spoke about Adama (i will put in that thread if anyone's interested) . He also said that as he had been at the Belfry yesterday, he popped into Bodymoor and everyone was very down.
  6. I feel sorry for the Trinity people that are being moved but I don't want the Upper Witton to close. I and virtually everyone around me have been ST Holders there for a long long time now. Maybe they are taking that into account (not me but the fact that maybe the ST holders in Upper Trinity haven't been there as long?). It just makes my blood boil when people just keep saying do this with the Upper Witton, put the away fans there etc etc. I honestly don't think they should be closing any stands except maybe the very Upper Trinity which is rarely much occupied anyway. Maybe the TV cameras will just pan downwards. Let's face it, you rarely see the Upper Stands anyway cos of course everyone that sits in any of the Upper stands apart from the Upper Holte is not important !
  7. Maybe there are more longstanding ST holders in the Upper Witton (like me and everyone around me for instance)
  8. Moyes for me too. However, whoever it is, I will get behind - but I just can't understand this line of thought that says we shouldn't announce it until the end of the Season as the incoming manager will have a relegation on his CV? That's just ridiculous - we are down now and have been down really for a couple of months. Anyway, Man City and Chelsea can do it, why can't we announce who it will be with them taking over in the Summer? Surely that would give everyone a big lift, lord knows, we all need a big lift. The incoming Manager could even sit in the stands and assess all the options. I'm sure no-one would say "Ooh he was involved in Villa's relegation"
  9. They would probably say the same about us!
  10. Is it possible Newcastle could be down by the time we play them? If so, maybe we could get their fans to join in and we could all have one big relegation party! If you listen to pundits talking about them and their fans phoning in, it could be mistaken for us - our mismanagement has been so similar.
  11. When redundancies were happening at our firm some years ago, we had a meeting and discussed and, as a result, some of the staff volunteered to reduce their hours so that a couple of the redundancies could be saved. So in a way, the staff did chip in. Eventually, things picked up again and all those who had reduced their hours were able to go back on to full hours. We had no pay rises for about five years either and only a small one when they were able to do it. Not that that's anything to do with Villa and they certainly wouldn't take a wage cut I'm sure!
  12. No tears from me. Got over it long since. Party now. Players and owner crap. Us Villa fans will never lie down and die. Bring onnext season. Well done Leicester.
  13. Thanks for the answers. I too am very surprised that it's as recent as 2011/2012. I would have thought it would have been the turn of the century. Mind you, of all those teams, only Swansea have remained a constant. Let's hope we follow their example then
  14. As a matter of interest, when was the last time that NONE of the promoted teams went straight back down? I bet it's some time ago.
  15. Moyes is favourite now but Shearer and Wright on MOTD quick to say we shd have Pearson Me thinks Shearer wants Moyes for Toon. Get it done Villa. Announce Moyes soon (please) even if he doesnt actually take charge till Summer.
  16. I thought this was the Remi Garde thread? Why do people still have to keep going on about Tim Sherwood all the time ? Just forget it now - same as we can forget Remi soon too. Stop all the point scoring. The people who hated Sherwood are so obvious , Ok as are the people who liked him (me included!) but I really can't understand how Garde gets cut so much slack. Probably because in some people's eyes, he's not Sherwood I guess!! I just don't find Remi inspiring at all and god knows what he says to the players at half-time.
  17. I have mixed feelings, I do feel sorry for Remi and know the problems are at the top and with the players BUT I also think it's very much a case of "The King's New Clothes" with Remi as well. He is saying some things about players etc just the same as Sherwood did - but Sherwood got absolutely slaughtered for it. He doesn't seem able to motivate the players - lord only knows what he says to them at his half-time team talk - but he also looks a broken man already. Him and Tim Sherwood have both been done over by the Board.
  18. Yes - don't want to lose my seat for when we are taken over by multi Billionaire and compete with Man C, Man U, Arsenal, etc - need to be in my seat before some glory hunting supporter nicks it (Oh well I can dream )
  19. Hev

    I know u liked Sherwood too so I just wanted to agree with you. I wish we still had him. He made it exciting to go to Villa again. I just hate the hatred he gets on here . Can't understand the total love in for Remi.   

  20. I remember these days too and the ones in the 70's when we were in Div 3 as it was then (I was at school) BUT relegation probably didn't have such severe consequences in those days before the almighty Premier League was formed. To be out of that for a club of our history and size is absolutely tragic - but then again, we are so far off the top echelons of it that I am almost in a perverse way looking forward to a time when things are more fair for us. I think the premier league has destroyed football in a lot of ways and until a European Super League is formed when the Sky 6/7 can go, the rest of us have no chance. However, I think the White Flag/Hanky thing is good too. We need to support the team no matter how crap - but get the message over the Randy and his crap Board.
  21. Ray Parlour on Talk Sport this morning - apparently Debuchy is to choose between us and Sunderland. Brazil asked Parlour which he should choose - Parlour said "I suppose Sunderland as they have a far better chance of getting out of it than Villa" - well WTF difference does that make if it is only to be short-term loan to the end of the season ???
  22. Why dont they try getting a hypnotherapist in to see if it did any good Desperate times need anything that might help.
  23. Hev

    IT stuff

    Just lately on VT whenever I want to change topic within the same forum even, I keep getting an annoying message "Message from Web Page" Do you wish to leave this page? False then options "Leave the Page" or "Stay on the Page" - it's only been recently and only when viewing on my PC at work - when I use my tablet at home this doesn't happen - any ideas how to stop it doing it - it's driving me mad.
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