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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. germany manager sniffing his own ballsack/ armpit for me
  2. pffft, totally out of focus, useless. photographer out!!!
  3. which is exactly what we have been missing for too long now. a Petrov/ Laursen tough fighter type . a real mans man rather than the spoiled overgrown kids that we have seen being given the captains armband over the last five years. someone you would follow into battle, not some tw@ giggling on the bench or pi$$ing their money up a wall somewhere. We need someone who plays football for the challenge and the love of the physical battle, not because of the paycheck at the end of it all. anyway, rant over. sounds like I want us to sign Rambo rather than a footballer but you get my point hopefully
  4. Cherries fan seem sad and a little surprised to see him go, which can only be a good sign on an unrelated note, if you ever want to appreciate Villatalk, go visit some other teams fans forums. there is some horrible ugly little sites out there that hurt the senses to even visit. So big shout out to the guys in charge here, you's do us proud
  5. Spacial awareness does diminish when one enters their early 40's
  6. There was certainly more unanswered questions than answered. Mainly, would I be willing to go for a swim in a big pool of sinister black sludge for a go on Miss Johanssen? But the scene on the beach was disturbing as all hell like Chindie said. And I think that because some of the people throughout the movie werent actors it felt so real. Like I say I found it kinda hard to watch but have been pondering on it since
  7. Watched Under the Skin a few nights ago - a low budget film set in Glasgow starring Sacrlett Johanssen. It is absolutely crackers and unlike anything I have ever watched before. Its odd but I wasnt sure if I liked it while I was watching it but its the kind of film that lingers with you and makes you think about in the days afterwards. Be interested if anyone else had seen it and what they thought of it
  8. I actually think the current situation is perfect for Jack. Honestly, even if we had stayed up there was argument for loaning him to a championship club for 6 months to get his confidence up and rediscover his Notts County form. So for Villa to go down and for him to get more game time sets him up brilliantly. No accounting for where his ego will take him though..........
  9. Characters or people with character. Big diffreence according to Mr Wolf
  10. Ugghhh. You also so know that IF RDM were to keep him , and IF he were to get a game, and IF he were to score a goal...... ...he would do that obnoxious hand to the ear celebration thingy to his own fans which would infuriate the life out of me and ruin any enjoyment of said goal !
  11. Im gonna call him "The Monk" seeing as everyone is so delighted that he's "not Randy"
  12. Melissa McCarthy gets a lot of hate but was funny in Spy and she can act. In saying that the trailer for Ghostbusters was cringe worthy - almost like a Scary Movie type reenactment of the original which is clearly sacriligious. And that black character is borderline offensive in how stereotype she is. 'Tis gonna suck. On Netflix recommendations, if killer genitalia is your genre then I watched a movie last night called "Teeth". Surprisingly good for what its worth!
  13. bought a renault megane for £700 once. When you braked, the indicators all lit up but the brake lights didnt. i didnt know why I was constantly getting road raged on (in Glasgow) for the first month or so til someone pointed it out
  14. At first I thought it was the phantom hand coming out of her jacket. Then I saw it. Incidently, middle, left, then right in that order if I was, y'know, forced to choose
  15. sign Andre (the "right" Ayew brother) as our central striker with Jordan playing just off him. Keeps him happy in the club and area and they are bound to have an understanding. I want him to stay so badly. He admittedly isnt as good as Benteke, and he is a grumpy looking sod but I just like him him more than I ever liked Benteke.
  16. great defensively, so solid and wont be bullied. Going forward he's never going to beat his man on the outside using skill and trickery BUT he protects the ball well till he gets support in that position and largely uses the ball well. Big fan of his, keep it up Aly
  17. showed all of his experience to cut across the ball with his header thus causing the swerving, dipping action which outfoxed the unsuspecting goalie. Cant teach those skillz
  18. Shows how broken football is that benteke leaving screwed us up, has screwed his career up (to an extent, with regards to formally going into the euros etc.) And yet it was a move that really had to happen because of money
  19. Sinclair at left back. Used to being parked there most of this season anyway plus rapid enough over the first few yards to keep up with whatever speedy winger arsenal go with
  20. indeed. the writers reckon the characters are getting too old for it to work but i would happily watch them do what are doing for the next ten years. funniest show on tv for me
  21. Watching "Catastrophe!" with the good lady wife at the moment. Hilarious but dear god is some of the dialogue absolutely filthy. Luv it
  22. I think Richardson has become far too much of a scapegoat and has unfairly become the punchline to all discussions Villa. He has had bad games and he has had good games, but under the previous few managers, who hasnt. Benteke, Delph, even, whisper it, Amavi, have all had shockers in the past - and they were in their natural positions. He is the next natural choice for left back and he will be played and we should give him 100% support. He has never lacked in effort and I am curious to see how he performs in a more structured and disciplined team with clear instructions from a proper manager for every scenario during a game - when to push on, when to drop back, who is filling in for him when out of position etc. He is a fairly disciplined guy and player so I think he will respond to this type of management rather than the Sherwood "just go out and play football" crap
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