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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Pete Colley @petecolley Being told Bent stays!!
  2. Welcome Yacouba! All the best for your career at the Villa! On a side note, why do most of our recent signings always have really awkward introductory photos?
  3. Never encountered this on PS3. The superior console.
  4. Before we proceed any further I think we have to establish how his name is pronounced. Is it S-eye-lla or Sylla that rhymes with Villa? Or is it pronounced S-ee-lla?
  5. Has moved to Liverpool. Confirmed on their site.
  6. He is the defensive midfielder that Aston Villa deserves... but not the one it needs right now... and so we'll play him, because he can take it. Because he's not Bannan... he's a silent guardian... a watchful protector... a dark knight.
  7. Ghost

    Windows 8

    Cheers mate. I'll give it a shot.
  8. For arcadey racing, you can't go past Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Especially if you have friends with a PS3 as well. Just good fun trying to beat each other's scores/times. I'd recommend Journey, downloaded from the PSN Store. Great game. Also recommend FIFA 13, if you want to see Aston Villa have any kind of success. Edit: Oh, and also the God of War series if you're into action-adventure hack-n-slash stuff. God of War 1 and 2 are available in an HD collection (both were originally published for the PS2) and God of War 3 was released on PS3. The new one - God of War Ascension is due out March.
  9. Dear lord, Con would have jizzed his pants.
  10. Seems like a fit Dunne will never happen for us.
  11. Ghost

    Next 4 games

    Maybe the FA will take points off us, after some terrible performances. They'll be like "Guys, just stop it, you're bringing the game into disrepute." Optimistically: -3 points
  12. World's Billionaires Here you go people. Get out your spectacles, make some tea (or coffee if you prefer) and start typing up emails for one of these people to buy the club from Lerner.
  13. Daiby is a top player. Very fragile, but when fit, he's a top top player.
  14. In one sense, Bannan is a similar player to Bent in that he needs the right formation and players around him to play well. Playing a central midfield of Bannan and Westwood against the bigger, stronger bodies of Sissoko, Gouffran, Gutierrez and Cabaye is **** asking for trouble.
  15. I don't know how much of a disruptive influence Warnock would have had on the current season?
  16. Thanks for your efforts Alan. Best of luck to you at Mallorca. Please don't come back.
  17. Haha this is Julian Bennetts - A sports journalist in London. You're thinking of Julie Bayley - A financial planner from Cumbria.
  18. Julian Bennetts ‏@julian_bennetts Been to see Sam Allardyce this morning. On Diame: 'It is total confusion. I'm as confused as anyone. We might lose him. I hope we don't.'
  19. Ghost

    Windows 8

    Been using Windows 8 for a while. Apart from the "Start screen" I don't see much difference with it compared to 7. I got it for free though (legally) so can't complain too much. One issue I've had though is that recently when I go to "Update and shut down", the computer just sits on the "installing update 1 of 6. Do not unplug your computer" screen. Come back a couple hours later and it's still sitting on that first update. I'm forced into hard-shutting down by holding the power button. Anyone else encountered this?
  20. Just seen Beasts of the Southern Wild. Beautiful film. Not visually but more emotionally. A lot of shaky cam, but didn't bother me too much. What a remarkable performance by young Wallis. Hard to believe she was just six at the time of filming.
  21. I think I was kind of paranoid for about a week after watching that.
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