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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Ball: noun: 1. A solid or hollow sphere or ovoid, esp. one that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game. 2. A formal social gathering for dancing. Retention: noun: 1. The continued possession, use, or control of something. 2. The fact of keeping something in one's memory
  2. There are people who will call themselves fans, but won't be able to point out on a map where the club is located (not necessarily talking about Villa here, just in general).
  3. I don't feel you need to apologise (although it is appreciated). I think you just voiced what some of us are thinking, but would rather not accept (just yet). Anyway, I agree with NeilS. In one of the articles I read, it said that Benteke does feel he has a debt to the club for bringing him to the premier league, so will stay with us (for the short term). I guess we'll have to wait and see how things play out and if his head is turned.
  4. What we should hold out for and what we will hold out for are two very different things.
  5. Pulis is (for want of a better word) a "chequebook manager". He is MoN Lite. Stoke have the 3rd highest net spend of the last 5 years behind Man City and Chelsea. And for all that money - around £75M - the highest that they've finished is around 11th I think. If you're spending that kind of money and you can't finish above 10th, something's wrong.
  6. Tottenham, Liverpool, Arsenal and Man City all in for him apparently according to the Mirror. We are watching Troy Deeney from Watford as a replacement if Benteke leaves.
  7. Ghost


    They've mainly been shit because of the amount of injuries they had to some of their top players - Cabaye, Ben Arfa, Tiote, Taylor and now Ba has left. They're slowly getting some of these players back and now have strengthened in most departments. I reckon they'll be ok.
  8. Where'd you see that. I dearly hope this kid will take some pity on us and stay even if we get relegated.
  9. Just seen on Twitter: Nile Ranger has been arrested more times (5) than he has scored league goals (4)
  10. Agent: Arnold Oosterver Top clients: Luis Suarez Klaas-Jan Huntelaar
  11. Haven't listened to the Ramble but I have listened to the AV Review. That Chris fellow sounds like a right bell-end
  12. Ghost


    You've hit the nail on the head. These foreign ball boys coming over to England with their dirty tactics; time-wasting and diving all over the place. And the youngsters watching the game learn from these ball-boys and think it's ok to do what their idols do.
  13. I didn't say it did. All I said was the kid is a dick
  14. ---- ASTON VILLA ---- ------------ We're **** -------------
  15. Seems Kotaku has acquired some info on the supposed PS4, from the same guy who was trying to sell that Xbox Dev Kit on eBay a few months ago. Link The following specs are for the units currently at developers so stuff may obvioulsy change for retail release. Specs: System Memory: 8GB Video Memory: 2.2 GB CPU: 4x Dual-Core AMD64 "Bulldozer" (so, 8x cores) GPU: AMD R10xx Ports: 4x USB 3.0, 2x Ethernet Drive: Blu-Ray HDD: 160GB Audio Output: HDMI & Optical, 2.0, 5.1 & 7.1 channels The new controller might have a back touch pad like the Vita with multi-touch. PSN accounts would be able to be linked to controllers, allowing for multiple logins on the one system so multiple people could earn trophies when playing co-op.
  16. Hazard is only 4 years older than the ball "boy." I already said this on the Chelsea FC thread but that kid is a dick. I don't even know why I'm pissed off about this.
  17. Ghost


    That ballboy is a dick. Rolling around pretending to be hurt after looking up and making sure the game had stopped. It looks like Hazard is trying to kick the ball out from under the kid, but just catches him a little. I can see Hazard getting in trouble for this, even though I don't think it was that bad. Loved this comment on the Guardian though: Excellent performance by the ball boy. As soon as he felt the initial contact he’s entitled to go to ground there. Then expertly shielded the ball and intelligently drew the foul from Hazard. Left the ref with no other option. I’ve seen enough of the ball boy to think he could do it in Europe. Just hope Swansea can hold onto him.
  18. Can we just change the title of this thread to "January 2013 Transfer Disappointment GIFs" and be done with it?
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