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Everything posted by Khizzy

  1. There's a guy my mates played football with around 10/15 years ago who insisted everyone call him "Beckham" because he had a shirt with Beckham on the back, played in the same position and he also had his hair cut the same as Becks did too. To be honest, he wasn't a great player, he just used to do a lot of stepovers and fall over. I just hope that this guy doesn't fall into the same bracket!
  2. Regardless of this being between Butland and Heaton, we all know Butland is the better keeper overall but if we're still getting a good Premier League standard goalkeeper for half price, maybe even a third of Butland's value, it's still good business because it'll free up more money for areas of the pitch that need proper quality.
  3. Emperor Mings: Tyrone's Alive!
  4. Tshibola by name, Shitbola by nature.
  5. So it'll be Tyrone Pings, Wesley Snipes (in at the back post)
  6. W88. Ugh, another bloody betting company. I knew it. Can't really buy the next shirt then.
  7. Welcome Jota! #HotterThanJota
  8. Shrewd move - basically offloaded Gardner to them, got his wages off the bill and Adomah too, while replacing him with a trusted former player of the manager and someone who our Sporting Director knows well for a small fee. Wikipedia has him down as an attacking midfielder, so could potentially be cover not just at RW but also for Jack. Interesting that we've gone for players that can potentially cover a variety of positions, like Mings can play LB and CB, same with Hause and if we are in for James Justin, he can play on either side as a full back.
  9. I'll miss the bugger even though he's not good enough to cut it in the top flight any more. Good luck for the future Hutts!
  10. Don't think I've ever seen him smile until yesterday (barring that awkward smile to camera in his first interview).
  11. Sign him up, I'm sure we have first refusal on him anyway? If so it's an absolute no brainer.
  12. Think he well and truly scarifed the shit out of us all last season.
  13. Whatever happens now, I think we can say that Deano is a Villa legend in the making. To have had the season he's just had after the campaign was pretty much written off at the start of March and to have negotiated the play offs against tough opposition with the amount of pressure that must have been on him and the rest of the staff and players is absolutely outstanding. All of this and he's one of us as well!
  14. Feel so happy for Jack to have achieved something as captain at such a young age. He can only get stronger as a player and leader from here and I think he may have just increased his value by another £20-25m today. We won't need to sell him now.
  15. Can't believe El Ghazi pulled out a performance like that whilst fasting! Well done to him.
  16. Steady pair of hands since coming back into the team, especially today, handled pretty much Derby threw at him with aplomb.
  17. I miss the Race for Promotion thread already......
  18. I wonder if JT will be saying a few words to the squad along with the gaffer before the game?
  19. Doesn't finish until 4th/5th June. I guess he'll just have to have a nutritious meal before he closes his fast and then get plenty of rest and a lie in so that he doesn't waste any unnecessary energy before kick off. Deano said they're managing his diet and sleep so I'm not overly worried. He didn't do too badly in the last two games even though the majority of the second leg did take place after he could eat. I'd wager that Elmo is in the same situation too but isn't affected as much as his game doesn't rely on speeding past opponents.
  20. He's in the WhoScored.com Championship Team of the Playoffs, so must have done something right!
  21. People are talking about the save from Johnstone, when in reality all Adomah had to do was to put it to the keeper's side. Anyway, I hope he doesn't play for us again.
  22. Wow. Our best keeper was the one we had all along! Thank you, Jed!
  23. It's great that we can use the free kicks that Jack wins us to our advantage. I think if we start with Hourihane it might make sense due to his excellent set piece delivery if we're expecting Grealish and McGinn to be kicked to oblivion by the Tesco bags.
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