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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. True, coming on as sub to head the winner I'm happy enough with and can see some merit in him being used as plan B, but his overall ability is shocking.
  2. I'd like to find out who scouted this bloke and thought he could add anything. With the other players I can see some progress and developing into something half decent as they settle, but Rudy is as limited a footballer as I've seen and come from English football. And for £6m.
  3. Our heads could have gone down at half time but he seemed to be able to pick them back up and we played much better. I still think he has done OK and given time will come good, but it's going to be too late by then anyway.
  4. Really liked what I saw today. I think I'd prefer to see him slot in next to Sanchez with Gil in front of them. Get Sanchez to solely win the ball and give it to those two, he is a liability doing anything else. Veretout gets better each match as he gets fitter and up to speed which I'm pleased to see.
  5. That dribble he did today was frightening Got to be worth the last 20 today, I hope he is given a start soon. What is there to lose? During that dribble he looked up at least twice to see what other options he had on which is promising, and his crossing in that video looks excellent, so he obviously has it it in his locker. It's just hard to make a fantastic impression in 5 minutes, it's easy to try too hard.
  6. True, I thought the first 7 minutes were half decent too until Hutton had his brain fart. We just can't rely on our defence at all, I really hope Garde realises we have to attack against Newcastle, Norwich and Sunderland and plays Gil, Grealish and Adama behind Ayew.
  7. I feel like shit, Villa are shit, and our Christmas do at the all you can eat Indian has been cancelled for later. Life is shit.
  8. Fancy pulling down their winger inside the box 7 minutes into a match. Let's just gift them a head start when we are struggling enough as it is. Beggars belief. Just so utterly depressing that this is what we have served up to us.
  9. Pat is pretty cuddly as well, to be fair. I think TKD only got £250k on Millionaire when the Keppel woman and Pat got the million. Not sure what the new girl ever did to qualify.
  10. Surely neither of them are as bad as the new lady Egghead. She is irritating beyond belief as well. In other quiz show cheering up news, Countdown is well worth catching up on today
  11. You could say the same about Richards in Italy too, but he has come back quite strongly with us. I know he is a lot younger than Cole, but it seems that English players often have a dalliance with a foreign league and it goes badly very quick, largely because of the language issue as well as others. For me it's solely a case of whether he is fit enough, and if he is then it's a bit of a no-brainer until Amavi gets himself fit.
  12. Religion isn't bad as such, but blind faith is, and for me the more you educate people, the less likely they are to be gullible for specific interpretations of the batshit mental parts of books written long ago. I do think the long term solution to the problems in our world is building roads and schools because if you give people a job and their kids a school to learn science at then they will over a few generations sort themselves out, like we did in Europe, as it's not that long ago that we did batshit things in the name of religion.
  13. Tremendous Knowledge Dave from Eggheads's face. He's like a big cuddly teddy bear.
  14. They are all pretty much thick as shit, especially Brett and Charlene. The way they butcher the English language is shocking. I wonder whether Sugar has the option to choose none of them.
  15. Cashing out at just the right time. Get in.
  16. I quite often get something similar walking home where I only just get to the bog in time, having not needed a shit when I've left wherever I've come from. It happened last week on the way back from the off licence, I didn't have to time to shut the back door or the bathroom door which are very close together, so my neighbours could probably hear my thunderous shit pounding the toilet bowl. Felt good though.
  17. You're probably not that far off, the Democrats wouldn't be that far away from being a centre right party I don't think. To quote the West Wing, the Republicans would be about five different parties if they were in Europe. The loony fringe is truly frightening though.
  18. Bit grim wasn't it. I'm still hoping he's putting it on and comes out kicking some ass in the next episode.
  19. Manfred Mann was the ear worm on Radio 6 just now and I could swear he was singing 'Wrapped up like a douche' throughout the song
  20. As much as I think Traore might become brilliant, it was a gamble that's cost us, since we've spent £7m on him and got almost zero contribution. That and the money spent on Gestede, Jesus Christ whoever scouted him needs shooting. The rest of the spending has been OK really, but that's £13m that could have gone on a goalscorer.
  21. For me the immediate danger to us is the Paris-style attack with multiple locations at the same time using explosives and machine guns for maximum damage. I think they'd be almost impossible to plan in the UK/Europe without somebody noticing along the way, and they need organising at least and probably training within the ISIS training camps, which is why we need to attack them in Syria as well. It's stupid bombing them in Iraq, thus radicalising people anyway, then not being able to do anything about them going to Syria and having free run to do what they want before coming back to cause mayhem over here.
  22. Surely at a Waffle House you can just eat your way through the walls at night when nobody's there and knick the money? Perhaps an easy generalisation, but I think the difference between a nutter or two in the US having the opportunity to get a load of guns and shoot dead over a dozen people before getting killed themselves, and a nutter over here having access to a knife and seriously injuring one person before getting tazered and arrested shows we have it about right.
  23. Has Gestede actually started before under Remi? I'm not sure he really rates him at all, just horses for courses today. It was probably as limited an XI I've ever seen for us today and we bagged a point. Something to take forward, at least.
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