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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. I gave up early third (I think) series. Loved the first, second was tolerable but a bit crap, then it just collapsed. Very Prison Break-ish trajectory.
  2. Oh, my comment was not to be taken as an expectation
  3. Yep. Really upset about Michael K. Williams, for all the reasons put forward by everyone.
  4. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    Yeah. I kind of struggle to see her winning a general election at the top of the ticket. Dunno who they should run instead, though.
  5. I find it hard to be too upset with the players desperately wanting to play for their country, and certainly don’t see how the club is to blame. It’s unfortunate, but let’s not make it into something it doesn’t need to be.
  6. My absolute favourite radio programme/podcast, which has been a constant companion my entire adult life running on Norwegian state radio since about 2006, has been bought by a commercial publisher and moved to a subscription based platform. I don’t mind paying for quality content and the guys making it deserve the payday, but they don’t belong on a commercial platform.
  7. Norway too. And congrats, buddy.
  8. I don’t disagree entirely, but I’d like to think a fully functioning Labour with a popular leader could have beaten the utter **** ****ing ****s that are currently governing the country. Or am I giving the electorate too much credit?
  9. I knew that, hence my qualifier. So you don’t think it’s possible to, effectively, succeed as Labour leader? That’s sad. It may be true. But I hope not.
  10. So, for an outsider, who would it take to unite and save Labour as a political party and electoral force? Andy Burnham, should he decide to return to national politics? Is there anyone else who is realistically up for the task? Is the task even possible at this point? For someone actively and emotionally involved in the (lower case l) labour movement, the current state of Europe’s traditional Labour parties is quite sad (even if my own party is, arguably, profitting from it.)
  11. I call BS. Your post implies that you’re married, which does not compute with any kind of regular activities outside of birthdays. Or so I’m told. By a friend
  12. I’m possibly the least superstitious person I know, and that goes for football too. I really don’t have anything that I must do. (Which I really hope doesn’t hurt our chances )
  13. Nothing you can’t wash down with a nice bottle of chianti.
  14. We have a Citigo e as our second car. I love it, and use it as much as I can instead of the big family car (Octavia.)
  15. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    The US may be technologically advanced in terms of R&D, but the tech infrastructure is a complete mess in large parts of the country.
  16. Fantastic name. Like a public school parody.
  17. They’re nice to have for frustrated Yankee fans.
  18. I’m not sure this is conceptually that far removed from Qatar 2022.
  19. Good work, Darren! (Seriously, though. If you do want to some pointers, there are a few of us over in the gym thread who are quite experienced gym rats. We love to humble brag our superior knowledge to newbies )
  20. Yeah, that’s probably right. And previously probably underestimating female singers. Which is embarrassing, of course.
  21. Oh, don’t say that. I’m sure @lapal_fan was plenty satisfied.
  22. I guess. The long term good of the party, and indeed the country, is another question entirely though, knowing what’s happened since.
  23. Pfft. Size doesn’t matter, amirite guys? Guys?
  24. Speak for yourself, @sidcow, and stop ruining this wonderful erotica while I’m trying to, ehm, read.
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