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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. Agreed. Keep playing here and we draw level eventually. Half time could disrupt that.
  2. It certainly wasn’t a yellow, that’s for sure.
  3. We’ve been really good, to be fair. Done more than enough to say we don’t deserve ro be losing this.
  4. I’m absolutely livid he hasn’t booked Silva there, when he booked Ramsey for doing the same.
  5. Even Manhattan is Downtown, Midtown and Uptown.
  6. I don’t think she was involved on 69 Love Songs, which I loved, so I don’t know her work. Still sad, and this news is a reminder to listen to The Magnetic Fields more often than I do.
  7. Nope. Nonononono. Nopenopetynono. Just no. Negative. Nooooooooo. Not similar in any kind of way. Not even remotely in the same league. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Raymond. It’s a fine show for what it is. But Seinfeld is comedy art, groundbreaking, genre defining, and, most importantly, insanely funny.
  8. Didn’t watch the game, so I have to ask. How has the Rice/Philips double pivot worked?
  9. Sure, why not? Only watched it about five times start to finish. I can do a sixth, no problem.
  10. I had to wiki Gaël Clichy. He’s not retired, actually, playing in Switzerland aged 36. But by far the most interesting thing I learned is that he, to use a direct quote, «has unrivaled stamina and is quick in the tackle(…)»
  11. El Zen

    General Chat

    Yes. She does tend to get terrible migraines.
  12. My pleasure. I’m a kind man, really. I live to make other people happy and feel better about themselves.
  13. El Zen

    General Chat

    I’m a married man. So only on fridays. If a friday happens to also be my birthday. And it’s a leap year.
  14. El Zen

    General Chat

    I am now ‘experienced’. Which sounds disturbingly sexual, in a weird kind of way.
  15. I agree with both of these, actually. Fair point. My apologies, @GarethRDR. You’re not a lazy word removed. You’re a crazy psycho and crap at football.
  16. There, I’ve said it. Goalies are lazy. It’s the only conceivable reason for choosing to play in goal. @Stevo985
  17. Serves you right for playing in goal, you lazy word removed
  18. Do you have data on snakes? I don’t particularly care about spiders, but snakes is one area where the bible is spot on. They’re the devil, and reason enough to leave Australia the **** alone for me. (And yes, I could google it, but I’d rather waste your time than mine )
  19. Well, that cheered me right up! Fantastic news.
  20. I’m sure you can find a record of that somewhere, but the closest I could think of off the top of my head was Josh and John Kitolano lining up against brother Eric in a Norwegian Eliteserie match.
  21. 10 months fully paid parental leave (or 12 months at 80 per cent) is another thing I f***ing love about Norway. Most kids here start nursery as soon as the 10/12 months are up.
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