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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. His Barcelona team were monotonously boring? You might need to find another sport to follow!
  2. What top 4 clubs? I have seen no links to top 4 clubs in this window.
  3. Good move by Newcastle, and Wood probably on wages he couldn't have dreamed of a week ago. They'd have given him a 6 month contract if he'd accepted it. He is there to save them for relegation and nothing else. Although if he's the answer...
  4. He doesn't have 25% of the work rate of someone like McGinn, that's the problem. If he did he'd be worth the money they paid.
  5. Where's he going to go and actually play without taking a step down? The example of Bellingham is very rare.
  6. And Darren Randolph hanging around the side.
  7. Decent is all he is. He'll need to score 10 goals for them at least.
  8. Any kind of scrappy goal like that and they'll find something. Not even a clenched fist from me.
  9. Chris Wood on his way to Newcastle. £20 million release clause. Win win for Newcastle, get a decent striker and take him from your relegation rival.
  10. Give him a massive bonus if they avoid relegation. Can you give bonuses to loan signings?
  11. How can we let him go? Trezeguet and Traore gone to AFCON, Bailey injured, Coutinho will need time to get fit. Maybe he could be let go near the end of the window when the situation is clearer.
  12. If we go back to Gerrard saying "If we manage to execute those targets in this window, I think the fans can be excited" He's hardly talking about a CB, a defensive midfielder or a left back. Attacking players are exciting, known proven players are exciting. I think there is real interest here, if the player is interested then, it's a question of finances.
  13. Newcastle could pay all his wages and offer him £10 million bonus if they avoid relegation.
  14. Apart from the fact Bologna paid £1.5m. Their accountant would be happy.
  15. Very exciting and yet... Where does he play? Number 10 and you need a strong 2 behind him. Maybe talk of formations is premature. I wonder how big the Gerrard pull is here.
  16. We've had no control in this game since we scored, it's been back and forth with Villa looking for breakaways. Brentford haven't done much but either have Villa. Chances created for Brentford is 5, Villa is 6.
  17. Norwich have 2 wins, and Newcastle have 1 but they're both in the fight. Anyone have any stats on teams being this shit by January and still staying up? It's amazing they aren't both adrift.
  18. He's a frustrating player, he could score 40 a season with better decision making. Or 20 goals and 20 assists.
  19. Villa away to Leeds on the 28th has to be in doubt.
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