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The complete and utter chants thread


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I wasn't so impressed with this chant at first but, having sat in the Chelsea West Stand last night, listening to nearly 90 minutes of "I don't care about Chelsea, They don't care about me, All I care about is AVFC", I went home with it as a total earworm and was hard put not to start humming/singing it out loud amongst the carriage full of homeward bound Chelsea fans on the tube. I'm still singing it.


Certainly is an amazingly infectious song and the great thing about it is it is very easy to keep going throughout a match, to the intense irritation of the opposition fans. As I witnessed.  :)

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Well, I thought it sounded brilliant. Also, the Villa contingent made a lot of noise during long spells when the Chelsea fans were very qjuiet (probably because thy knew their v expensive team was being matched, if not outplayed).

But then I am 100% biased. :D

Edited by briny_ear
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One for Monday night, in response to the misguided/ill-informed Tesco chant of "Pride of the Midlands, We know what we are"...




Would really get to them if this was heard on Sky, like a big brother showing up his little sibling who has longed to grow up and be better/stronger than him all these years, but still nobody cares! Let's patronise the **** out of these Sandwell prats, they've been above their station for far too long now, normal service to be resumed please!

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He tackles and he passes, he hassles and harasses, he gets up people's asses, he's better than Gerrard...FABIAN DELPH *clap*clap* FABIAN DELPH *clap*clap* FABIAN DELPH, FABIAN DELPH, FABIAN DELPH *clap*clap* 


(Adam's Family)


This man really deserves a song now as our most consistent performer this year, can only see the chorus getting sung though... 

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The ones i heard at Southampton were:


Nanananananananan Fabian Fabian Delph Fabian Delph Fabian Fabian Delph (ala darren bent's old song)




Ole Ole Ole Ole Fabian Delph Delph Delph Fabian Delph Delph Delph.


It looks as if its in the transition stage of him getting a song, its just a question of which will stick!

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Fiiiiive Fabian Delphs

Four Fabian delphs

Three Fabian delphs

Two Fabian delphs

And a Fabian delph for me

That was being sung today

I was treated/subjected to a version of this on the tube after Fulham last week.

One of our lot fell up the stairs in the station before blaring out "FIIIIIIVE DABIAN FELPHS" etc etc. Dabian Delph got a mention too.

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I wasn't so impressed with this chant at first but, having sat in the Chelsea West Stand last night, listening to nearly 90 minutes of "I don't care about Chelsea, They don't care about me, All I care about is AVFC", I went home with it as a total earworm and was hard put not to start humming/singing it out loud amongst the carriage full of homeward bound Chelsea fans on the tube. I'm still singing it.


Certainly is an amazingly infectious song and the great thing about it is it is very easy to keep going throughout a match, to the intense irritation of the opposition fans. As I witnessed.  :)


i am begging all villa fans please stop singing this song

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I wasn't so impressed with this chant at first but, having sat in the Chelsea West Stand last night, listening to nearly 90 minutes of "I don't care about Chelsea, They don't care about me, All I care about is AVFC", I went home with it as a total earworm and was hard put not to start humming/singing it out loud amongst the carriage full of homeward bound Chelsea fans on the tube. I'm still singing it.


Certainly is an amazingly infectious song and the great thing about it is it is very easy to keep going throughout a match, to the intense irritation of the opposition fans. As I witnessed.  :)


i am begging all villa fans please stop singing this song



Enit. Yet another crap chant already used by half of the league before we adopted it. Same goes for the vast majority of our chants these days. So dull.

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Someone mentioned a while a go that a chant involving Bacuna and Luna would be nice, suggesting to use Kokomo by the beach boys, loved the idea but thought it might be too long for a footy chant...however so far I've got to....


From Bacuna to Luna

O I wanna see ya pass

To Westy, El Mahdi down the wing for Gabby


Quite a bit missing after that, feel free to add to it or shoot my lyrical wizardy down in flames.

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Special credit to my mate yesterday, came up with the following on the train; Last Christmas we had Ron Vlaar, but the very worst day was Chelsea away, This year, to save me from tears, just pass it to Matthew Lowton Didnt really get going at the game, but fair play to whoever was on our bus from the uni bar to the game - best atmosphere of the day and the coppers were loving it! Song of the day was probably "the library is ours" followed by "F*** off Small Heath, you can't even read!"

Edited by MyLord
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