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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who take secret santa too seriously. Some joker got me a signed Small Heath ball. I opened it, smiled, said 'You buggers, what you like, eh? I don't even support Birmingham City!', gave it to a blue nose and got on with my life.

All afternoon I've had people coming up to me saying it's 'terrible', 'not funny', and 'not fair'. 'You got somebody a nice gift and then get that?'

It was a £5 limit, crappy secret santa, I'm not bothered. What's wrong with people?

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But not EVERYBODY in their 20s is like that. I know my daughters' groups of friends - all in their 20s - pretty well, and they are by and large a decent bunch who certainly have no truck with TOWIE and the like.

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But not EVERYBODY in their 20s is like that. I know my daughters' groups of friends - all in their 20s - pretty well, and they are by and large a decent bunch who certainly have no truck with TOWIE and the like.

Indeed, as with any stereotype there will always be exceptions, in this case many exceptions hopefully.

But in the future, this generation will be remembered as per the sweeping accusations of bellendery etc. Frankly I'd rather have been caught up in the 90's whistle blowing, glow stick brandishing, ecstacy popping brigade.

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People who take secret santa too seriously. Some joker got me a signed Small Heath ball. I opened it, smiled, said 'You buggers, what you like, eh? I don't even support Birmingham City!', gave it to a blue nose and got on with my life.

All afternoon I've had people coming up to me saying it's 'terrible', 'not funny', and 'not fair'. 'You got somebody a nice gift and then get that?'

It was a £5 limit, crappy secret santa, I'm not bothered. What's wrong with people?

I posted recently about being annoyed at getting a small heath calendar. The thing that really annoyed me was the gift was from a gloryhunting Liverpool fan. If it was from a small heathen I might have seen the funny side.
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Yeah, don't get me wrong, not every person in their twenties is a total clearing in the woods, however I personally see it as a reasonably large segment of the generation. It's funny because on the weekends when I go off to football matches and such, I'm usually surrounded by people in their 30s/40s and on most levels, I typically relate to them more than alot of the people my age.

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Yeah, don't get me wrong, not every person in their twenties is a total clearing in the woods, however I personally see it as a reasonably large segment of the generation. It's funny because on the weekends when I go off to football matches and such, I'm usually surrounded by people in their 30s/40s and on most levels, I typically relate to them more than alot of the people my age.

I think it's just down to mindset, regardless of generations. There are people of all ages who I can socialise with quite happily. And equally, those of all ages I would leave the planet to avoid.

The real complaint here is the degree to which some people (of any generation) buy into media-led stereotype lifestyles.

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Yeah, fair enough, you have a valid point, and I guess to kind of add, it just seems my generation just has a ton more of people who choose to buy into media-led stereotype lifestyles.

Yes, that may be the problem. It's universal access to mass media, particularly the internet. Memes spread VERY quickly to a VERY big audience.

When I Wor A Lad ™ ©, that wasn't possible. Two TV channels that shut down at night, no commercial radio, no video, no internet, no mobile phones. Stuff could only spread by word of mouth. Of course, it still did - we were no less prone to stupid fashions, hairstyles, slang, catchphrases, etc. They just weren't so INYOURFACE!!!!! as everything is now.

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My younger sister is very much the same. Families, eh? Can't divorce 'em, can't kill 'em etc.

True dat.

The worst way to be rude is shushing someone mid-sentence and that's what she did. It's like the episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia when the gang gets shushed, so now I'm biding my time and waiting for the perfect chance to shush her back.

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