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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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To be fair with regards to youtubers, some make absolutely shit content and get millions of views but often the most subscribed ones work their ass off, upload 1-2 videos a day 365 days a year.

Yes they rake in the money, but they work their asses off doing so.

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14 minutes ago, Villan69 said:

Sitting in a bar in Oslo minding my own business spending £12 per 3/4 pint when a happy waitress pops up and tells me she's from Kings Heath and earns £30 per hour waiting... Birmingham fan too....

I did like Oslo, but like Reykjavik, far too expensive to go out on the lash there.

Anyway, score out of ten for the waitress. 

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30 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

To be fair with regards to youtubers, some make absolutely shit content and get millions of views but often the most subscribed ones work their ass off, upload 1-2 videos a day 365 days a year.

Yes they rake in the money, but they work their asses off doing so.

That is 'work'?  :huh:

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That and content is king. You could do one or two good YouTube videos but unless you keep up the quality and creativity you won't get the views and you're last week's news. Not to mention they're opening themselves up to terrible abuse from the internet at large.

It's way too easy to dismiss successful YouTube channels as 'not real work'. If you think it's easy give it a go and start earning your millions.

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37 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Is creating a tv show not work? Creating a movie? Difference is most youtubers do it all themselves.

Recording, editing. It's as much work as anything else, just in a different industry.

And they do it for themselves.  None of this working for some tit who earns 4 times more than you for doing half as much.

I'd love to do it, but don't have the time/money/skills lol.

Fair play to them for do what they want for a living.  I dare say in 10/20 years time they'll be replacing tv or movie stars.

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1 hour ago, Xela said:

I did like Oslo, but like Reykjavik, far too expensive to go out on the lash there.

Anyway, score out of ten for the waitress. 

Oh definite 8... losing two points for being a blue nose...

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59 minutes ago, Ginko said:

That and content is king. You could do one or two good YouTube videos but unless you keep up the quality and creativity you won't get the views and you're last week's news. Not to mention they're opening themselves up to terrible abuse from the internet at large.

It's way too easy to dismiss successful YouTube channels as 'not real work'. If you think it's easy give it a go and start earning your millions.

Lkewise, not everyone would be suitable for a programme that involves being filmed whilst getting pissed in clubs and chasing after women. If that in itself is so easy, then you could go do it and start earning your millions ;) 

Now I'm not saying these YouTubers don't have ANY talent (like the twunts on Towie/Geordie Shore). They're certainly good at knowing what content people will lap up, and they've got certain personalities that help make their channels more popular, but I wouldn't say it was hard work as such. I think this was the point Mike was making. 

Fair play to them though...they discovered a niche and made money from it. I couldn't do it, sure, and definitely wish I could also make money for nothing.


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Like I said in my initial post, it is jealously! Fair play to the successful ones for earning £1m - £12m per annum by doing what is effectively their hobby... ie gaming, make up tips etc. They've found a niche and capitalised. Well done to them! 

I am sure they do work hard and put the effort it but lets be honest, its not 60 hours a week working as a nurse or teacher is it? And its not £1m a year hard is it? 

I guess my initial gripe was more to do with the fact that doing that can be so lucrative. Yeah, it makes me green with envy :)

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3 minutes ago, Xela said:

I am sure they do work hard and put the effort it but lets be honest, its not 60 hours a week working as a nurse or teacher is it?

It's a different sort of hard work. A teacher's 'hard work' is different to a builder's is different to a doctor's is different to a manager's.

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Just because you enjoy doing something and your work is also your hobby doesn't mean it's not hard work in its own way, it just doesn't feel like hard work.

At the end of the day, isn't that everyone's dream job? Either way, it's totally different to being a shallow, talentless clearing in the woods the likes of TOWIE et al are mass-producing. Youtubers are all self-starters and they're chasing their dreams.

If I had kids I'd have no problem with them learning those things from people who have achieved it. If my kid came up to me and said their dream was to sell their soul and embarrass themselves like the morons on faux-reality TV I'd be seriously concerned.

Edited by Ginko
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5 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

This is just wrong.


It's basically making a mini TV show doing what a big crew would do all by yourself. Some channels are a TV show, like Good Mythical Morning.

I think uploading content every day, 365 days a year, is hard work. It isn't just filming 10 mins of footage and BAM, millions of pounds.

Well I suppose it depends on the channel then, doesn't it? Playing a game, and doing some ad lib commentary, or explaining how you're putting on some make up, whilst filming yourself, doesn't seem all that hard, but a mini TV show, like Good Mythical Morning (which I wasn't aware of until today), does look a lot more involved. 

Anyway - nice work if you have the ability :) And like I said...fair play to them for making money out of it. 

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What really pisses me off about YouTube is when channels which started off as creative ventures but then when they get a decent sized audience and start making a few bob, they suddenly open a Patreon account and start begging for donations for something they formerly were quite happy to do for nothing.

And, they usually tell some right whoppers when they try to justify it. 

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4 hours ago, Seat68 said:

Youtube stars make me feel ridiculously old.

Hopefully it will die out.

Youtube have been very smart to engineer this. Many of these youtubers get an enormous amount of views and bring in a shit load of ad revenue (based on ad clicks and viewability of ads), youtube presumably take a cut of this ad revenue. As a business youtube doesn't make a particularly huge profit (but does have large revenues). 

Personally I use Youtube with an ad-blocker and never click on ads that I get served on its platform. The vast majority of 'content' put out by the most popular youtubers is utter, utter shite. 

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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I absolutely love "The Great War" channel on Youtube, it's opened the book to a lot of information I just wasn't aware of 2 months ago.  Now I'm like a sponge, going from their videos to other sources of material. 

It's ad-free too, apart from 1 or 2 sponsored links in the videos, rather than cut-to ads like normal channels.

Youtube is becoming your on demand TV station.  It'll only grow as TV will shrink.

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More of a fan of the indepth movie review and analysis channels, which unless you are the utterly c**tish Jeremy Jahns don't do huge business, what with the editing and clips they use I cannot imagine the effort some of these videos take.

To be a huge youtube star nowadays you either need to scream into the microphone for the 14 years olds or get your tits out for the 14 years olds. Depressing.

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