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Paul Lambert


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I see this type of comment a lot "how can you still think lambert is the right man, that's just blind faith"

Isn't faith and hope the currency of a football fan? Lets face it there's jock all else to have any faith or hope in at the club, if not the manager then to be honest just may as well give up.

Whether a manager has been at a club 6 years or 6 months there is still faith that results will continue/improve/turn around. Admittedly if someone hasn't been at the club too long to demonstrate a record or get loyalty then that faith is a little more "blind" , for want of a better phrase, than it would be if he had been there and won loads of games or got the team he wants playing the way he wants , but it is still faith none the less.

For me I think getting rid of this bloke 6 months into his job when he has only just started to try and turn around what has happened here in the last 3 years would be utter madness. Lack of consistency, stop start , changing ,manager , changing strategy are basically the reasons we are in this mess. That and just buying quick fix stop gap players here as their last big pay check.

For me he is still the right man, he has a good record in his career to date of building something for the future. He is a young manager who sees the merit of not buying stop gap quick fix players. The type who will add no value to the club, just take away from the value of the club. He sees benefit in buying those players who will improve and develop, as the club does and may stay with he club or if they don't then their value will help he club when they leave. Like it or not but this is the market we are in right now and given that then for me there is no better manager.

I wanted him here as my number one granted and I totally accept that my current state of mind of not being as suicidal as most at our state may have something to do with me actually wanting him here but there was a reason why I wanted him here and that reason is still the same, I knew it would be a bumpy ride as the club has basically been an oil tanker heading this way and like an oil tanker it is hard to turn around. I won't let 5 months change that feeling.

Things are not good, what an understatement, but they don't get better by throwing another change and inconsistency into the mix. He is the right man with the right ideas, what he needs is backing to make them happen.

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Again, and its quite a theme of the season, no pressure on the ball, minimal effort from the team, no players showing for the ball, no width, comical defending. As shit as we've been for the last 2 seasons, this year surpasses it all. He hasn't improved us.

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At half-time today, my patience finally ran out. I want Lambert to be sacked. I've been hoping for quite a while that we'll eventually turn a corner, but I've now reached the point that I've given up and have accepted the inevitable fate of relegation. Some of the decisions made this season have been truly baffling:

  • Selling 2 experienced CB's in the summer and only signing 1.
  • Going into the season with 3 fit CB's (2 of them very much untested in the Premier League). It was obvious that Dunne was going to be out for a long time as well.
  • Wasting £6m on signing 2 fullbacks when neither of them were a priority position (we already had 4).
  • Completely bombing out both Hutton and Warnock even though we're paying their wages. We definitely could've done with taking some of our younger players out of the firing line and maybe playing one of these. They honestly can't have done any worse.
  • Not noticing that we needed a ball winning midfielder, and at least 1 winger.
  • El Ahmadi.
  • His stubborn persistence playing formations that aren't working (diamond earlier in the season and 3 at the back).
  • Making Bent captain and then removing it 3 weeks later.
  • Finding a way to stop Darren Bent scoring goals.
  • The embarrassing Xmas period.

I agree with people complaining about Lerner and the way he has run this football club over the last few years. I still think, however, that Lambert was given enough resources in the summer to keep this team away from relegation (around 11th-15th). It quite clearly isn't working. I honestly don't know why the fans are being so patient with him. I can only assume it's because he followed McLeish.

add to that:

starting with a team that barely escaped relegation last season and replacing most of the experienced players by youngsters. Bent, one of the top scorers in PL history, sometimes wasn't even on the bench when fit, Ireland (our player of the year of last season) seems te be getting blamed for bad midfield performances while bannan keeps his spot. Warnock, Hutton,...

not improving anyone. players don't seem to improve their skills under lambert. he doesn't get them fired up at half-time either, as was shown today. a coach for team battling relegation needs to be capable of getting palyers to take the opposition by the throat when leaving the dressing room, or at least trying to; today they started doing that after they got a chance 15mins into second half and with the supporters roaring them on, not their coach roaring them on.

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Ignore what, idle speculation? Of course there's a wage structure but none of us have any idea on the exact details.

I think you're just arguing for the sake of it.

You don't need to know the exact details to know that the wages still had to come down and because of this Lambert was limited in what he could do in the summer.

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Well can it get any worse,

  • firstly we lose at home again to another one of our relegation rivals
  • we have not or even looked remotely like signing anyone
  • and Lambert gave his same boring post match bullshit speech
  • he is the most drab uninspiring manager we have had
  • this aura he has must rub off on the players, would he inspire you to play with that attitude, well the results speak for themselves he doesn't
  • his management and coaching style lack any dynamic influence

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I think you're just arguing for the sake of it.

You don't need to know the exact details to know that the wages still had to come down and because of this Lambert was limited in what he could do in the summer.

How am I?

Lambert was obviously limited. Most managers are. However, we don't know how limited he was.

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I see this type of comment a lot "how can you still think lambert is the right man, that's just blind faith"

Isn't faith and hope the currency of a football fan? Lets face it there's jock all else to have any faith or hope in at the club, if not the manager then to be honest just may as well give up.

Whether a manager has been at a club 6 years or 6 months there is still faith that results will continue/improve/turn around. Admittedly if someone hasn't been at the club too long to demonstrate a record or get loyalty then that faith is a little more "blind" , for want of a better phrase, than it would be if he had been there and won loads of games or got the team he wants playing the way he wants , but it is still faith none the less.

For me I think getting rid of this bloke 6 months into his job when he has only just started to try and turn around what has happened here in the last 3 years would be utter madness. Lack of consistency, stop start , changing ,manager , changing strategy are basically the reasons we are in this mess. That and just buying quick fix stop gap players here as their last big pay check.

For me he is still the right man, he has a good record in his career to date of building something for the future. He is a young manager who sees the merit of not buying stop gap quick fix players. The type who will add no value to the club, just take away from the value of the club. He sees benefit in buying those players who will improve and develop, as the club does and may stay with he club or if they don't then their value will help he club when they leave. Like it or not but this is the market we are in right now and given that then for me there is no better manager.

I wanted him here as my number one granted and I totally accept that my current state of mind of not being as suicidal as most at our state may have something to do with me actually wanting him here but there was a reason why I wanted him here and that reason is still the same, I knew it would be a bumpy ride as the club has basically been an oil tanker heading this way and like an oil tanker it is hard to turn around. I won't let 5 months change that feeling.

Things are not good, what an understatement, but they don't get better by throwing another change and inconsistency into the mix. He is the right man with the right ideas, what he needs is backing to make them happen.

I have to agree with you totally Richard.

He is also the Manager I wished we would be replacing that Eck guy with and bang. It came off.

I will not be fickle and ask for his head half a season in charge when it is actually the Chairman of this club to step in and back the manager with the tools he needs to save us and turn this mess around - that's if the chairman actually gives a **** or not!


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How am I?

Lambert was obviously limited. Most managers are. However, we don't know how limited he was.

If you are not just arguing for the sake of it and accept that ultimately here it is all a matter of opinion, however informed, what do you think "obviously limited" means? Do you think he could sign a player on 40,50,60k and if so where is the evidence?

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If you are not just arguing for the sake of it and accept that ultimately here it is all a matter of opinion, however informed, what do you think "obviously limited" means? Do you think he could sign a player on 40,50,60k and if so where is the evidence?

I'm not privy to what goes on behind the scenes so I have no idea how limited. I have no idea whether Lambert could sign a player on 40k-60k. Do you think he couldn't? If so, where is the evidence?
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I see this type of comment a lot "how can you still think lambert is the right man, that's just blind faith"

Isn't faith and hope the currency of a football fan? Lets face it there's jock all else to have any faith or hope in at the club, if not the manager then to be honest just may as well give up.

Whether a manager has been at a club 6 years or 6 months there is still faith that results will continue/improve/turn around. Admittedly if someone hasn't been at the club too long to demonstrate a record or get loyalty then that faith is a little more "blind" , for want of a better phrase, than it would be if he had been there and won loads of games or got the team he wants playing the way he wants , but it is still faith none the less.

For me I think getting rid of this bloke 6 months into his job when he has only just started to try and turn around what has happened here in the last 3 years would be utter madness. Lack of consistency, stop start , changing ,manager , changing strategy are basically the reasons we are in this mess. That and just buying quick fix stop gap players here as their last big pay check.

For me he is still the right man, he has a good record in his career to date of building something for the future. He is a young manager who sees the merit of not buying stop gap quick fix players. The type who will add no value to the club, just take away from the value of the club. He sees benefit in buying those players who will improve and develop, as the club does and may stay with he club or if they don't then their value will help he club when they leave. Like it or not but this is the market we are in right now and given that then for me there is no better manager.

I wanted him here as my number one granted and I totally accept that my current state of mind of not being as suicidal as most at our state may have something to do with me actually wanting him here but there was a reason why I wanted him here and that reason is still the same, I knew it would be a bumpy ride as the club has basically been an oil tanker heading this way and like an oil tanker it is hard to turn around. I won't let 5 months change that feeling.

Things are not good, what an understatement, but they don't get better by throwing another change and inconsistency into the mix. He is the right man with the right ideas, what he needs is backing to make them happen.

This a thousand times over. At the start of the season I said I would be happy as long as we stayed up because I believe lambert can reshape the squad into what we need.

I wouldn't be happy if we went down but I'd still want lambert in charge.

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This a thousand times over. At the start of the season I said I would be happy as long as we stayed up because I believe lambert can reshape the squad into what we need.

I wouldn't be happy if we went down but I'd still want lambert in charge.


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I see this type of comment a lot "how can you still think lambert is the right man, that's just blind faith"

Isn't faith and hope the currency of a football fan? Lets face it there's jock all else to have any faith or hope in at the club, if not the manager then to be honest just may as well give up.

Whether a manager has been at a club 6 years or 6 months there is still faith that results will continue/improve/turn around. Admittedly if someone hasn't been at the club too long to demonstrate a record or get loyalty then that faith is a little more "blind" , for want of a better phrase, than it would be if he had been there and won loads of games or got the team he wants playing the way he wants , but it is still faith none the less.

For me I think getting rid of this bloke 6 months into his job when he has only just started to try and turn around what has happened here in the last 3 years would be utter madness. Lack of consistency, stop start , changing ,manager , changing strategy are basically the reasons we are in this mess. That and just buying quick fix stop gap players here as their last big pay check.

For me he is still the right man, he has a good record in his career to date of building something for the future. He is a young manager who sees the merit of not buying stop gap quick fix players. The type who will add no value to the club, just take away from the value of the club. He sees benefit in buying those players who will improve and develop, as the club does and may stay with he club or if they don't then their value will help he club when they leave. Like it or not but this is the market we are in right now and given that then for me there is no better manager.

I wanted him here as my number one granted and I totally accept that my current state of mind of not being as suicidal as most at our state may have something to do with me actually wanting him here but there was a reason why I wanted him here and that reason is still the same, I knew it would be a bumpy ride as the club has basically been an oil tanker heading this way and like an oil tanker it is hard to turn around. I won't let 5 months change that feeling.

Things are not good, what an understatement, but they don't get better by throwing another change and inconsistency into the mix. He is the right man with the right ideas, what he needs is backing to make them happen.

Richard I have to admit that after my gut reaction to the Bradford result calling for PL to go on reflection I accept much of what you say about chopping and changing. However I still do not understand your blind faith and would take issue in part with some of your comments:

"That and just buying quick fix stop gap players here as their last big pay check."

When a club is facing the devastation of relegation sometimes "quick fix stop gap players" are necessary - in some ways Bent was just that - without him we could have gone down. Isn't it less to do with quick fix and more to with Lerner/Faulkner's quest to dramatically reduce our wage bill to make up for Lerners previous financial gamble?

"For me he is still the right man, he has a good record in his career to date of building something for the future. He is a young manager who sees the merit of not buying stop gap quick fix players. The type who will add no value to the club, just take away from the value of the club."

When I employ a new manager I do so in the belief that they will always add "value" (as does any business) but in the case of a football adding only players because they fit the criteria of low salary/high future potential can lead to ruin if those players are party to our relegation and destroy the value of the club.

"..... sees benefit in buying those players who will improve and develop, as the club does and may stay with he club or if they don't then their value will help he club when they leave. Like it or not but this is the market we are in right now and given that then for me there is no better manager."

"players who will improve and develop" need experienced quality around them to "improve and develop"

The situation "we are in right now" means that the board/Lambert cannot afford to be dogmatic. The choice is not just between "stop gap players" and low cost/high potential players. There is little if any evidence that a premier league club with such a high number of inexperienced young players can survive in the top flight. If we were stable, mid table, consolidating and made the changes in this direction over several seasons I would agree with you but the "revolution" is being attempted too quickly.

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