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Best episode so far for me, really enjoyed it.

Other than the first episode i think the Capaldi era has had a really poor start.

i get the impression that Capaldi wants to do things differently but is being restricted or made to do it in a way he is not comfortable with. I just feel that he is not living up to expectations right now and I can't blame him for that. On saying that the episode yesterday wasn't too bad
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With the proviso that it is essentially a mid evening kidults sci fi programe, I've thought the Capaldi stuff has been really good.

Last night, smaller kids were scared without ever actually seeing a monster, there were a couple of good gags such as the disappearing mug of coffee and the Doctor continues to be less one dimensional than during the slapstick Matt Smith era.


Four yes votes from this house.

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Best episode there's been for years. 


Capaldi's doctor is quite a change but as someone who was getting bored of the run-away-from-goofy-monster-oh-look-we-saved-the-day-whilst-shouting-alot, I'm quite glad.



One theory on the garden woman..

Missy, short for mistress.. female version of The Master?


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am I right in thinking that this season it's easier for a casual observer to 'dip' into. I admit to being bored halfway through the first episode and not watched since, but I am still eager to enjoy a Capaldi episode. Will I miss much by watch the most recent one?

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am I right in thinking that this season it's easier for a casual observer to 'dip' into. I admit to being bored halfway through the first episode and not watched since, but I am still eager to enjoy a Capaldi episode. Will I miss much by watch the most recent one?

If you are saying that you did not watch the previous episodes, then yes you'll be fine just watching last weekend's. Although Clara has a new love interest who was introduced.


I like the new guy, but I don't like how he is a love interest because I just don't care about that nonsense. 

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Much easier. There's no ongoing story (apart from a strange woman in a garden).


The new doctor takes a bit of getting used to, but in terms of general story, there's nothing to actually catch up on, no clues to something bigger, no recurring theme. 

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Capaldi is great but the writers need a kick up the arse. If you wanted Malcom Tucker put it on post 9pm and let his do it properly....to write lines like "Stupidy stupid" for THAT actor given the ghost of Tucker is stalking the character is unforgivable. It really jarred with me and took me out of what was up to that point a really good episode and series. A poor riff on "Fuckity bye" from TTOI.

That aside Capaldi is the best Dr since Tom Baker and the things I would do to Jenna Coleman are....well....you know.

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Best episode so far for me, really enjoyed it.

Other than the first episode i think the Capaldi era has had a really poor start.

i get the impression that Capaldi wants to do things differently but is being restricted or made to do it in a way he is not comfortable with. I just feel that he is not living up to expectations right now and I can't blame him for that. On saying that the episode yesterday wasn't too bad


I dont religiously watch but I some times tune in to pass the time. His script & mannerisms seemed so forced, they would fit the previous two doctors. Need to adapt to Capaldi. 

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Capaldi is great but the writers need a kick up the arse. If you wanted Malcom Tucker put it on post 9pm and let his do it properly....to write lines like "Stupidy stupid" for THAT actor given the ghost of Tucker is stalking the character is unforgivable. It really jarred with me and took me out of what was up to that point a really good episode and series. A poor riff on "Fuckity bye" from TTOI.

That aside Capaldi is the best Dr since Tom Baker and the things I would do to Jenna Coleman are....well....you know.

Generally agree with this including the bit about Jenna. 

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This whole series has been quite boring so far barring one episode. Clara's new love interest is just so bad and he is making me dislike Clara. Capaldi is a good doctor but he is being held back with average episodes and a companion that does not really suit his doctor. 

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Last week's episode really showed the difference in companions. Clara is so dependent on the doctor to do anything and then whines about it at the end. Amy and Rory were their own characters. Rory became the badass roman and Amy developed into a companion that isn't babied by the doctor. When the doctor jumped into the pit and he told Clara to stay there, I immediately told my girlfriend that if that were Amy, she would jump in and we'd get an action scene with some shenanigans but instead Clara just walked back. 


Next week's episode seems like it will be without Clara and I am kind of excited for it. Capaldi's doctor is actually fantastic, but he is being held back with lousy writing and a weak companion. Clara is supposed to be gone after this season so I hope they cast someone proper for the companions job. Capaldi's doctor needs a strong character beside him in my opinion.


Natalie Dormer for the companion!!  :hooray:  :cheers:  :wub:

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