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January 2013 Transfer Talk


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I don't beleive that Lambert could play Warnock if he wanted to - he has to be sold or loaned out. I wouldn't mind if Warnock was any good - we must be the only club where the more players don't play the better they get


Surely your not trying to suggest that Lerner has told Lambert to sell Warnock thereby interfering with team selection?


I think where posters are coming from on the issue of bringing back Warnock, Dunne and Hutton is that they couldn't do any worse than our present defence at the moment?


I would much prefer not to bring them back but certainly i feel there is a strong case to play Dunne when fit as he would improve our weakness on set plays. We lack someone at the back who wants to take responsibility!

I agree on Dunne and think that once fit he will come straight back into the team


I think Lambert was told to forget Warnock, Collins and Hutton from the off due to performance and attitude - I understand the temptation to bring Warnock back (although personally I wouldn't do so)

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My point being, I have seen Lerner spend money, a lot.

Right now, I see LAMBERT saying HE would be happy to go forward with what he has. HE doesn't feel the need to bring players in.

If it isn't his decision, then that is fine, come out an say that, tell the fans that you don't think our boys are up to it, we won't judge you, we all agree, tell us that you have pleaded with the chairman for reinforcements but have been denied...

But as I say, right now, Lambert is the one saying he is happy with it all...until he tells me otherwise, I will hold him accountable to that...last time we looked like this, we bought Bent...Lerner, for me, has history of backing managers to an extent, so I go with the evidence I have.

Granted, we know little about Lerner, but still, I have to go with the information I have, rather than suggestion and rumour that Lerner won't spend (as opposed to lambert not wanting to)...

If that makes more sense


Lambert is not at all happy and is not saying that. He is saying there is no money and he will work with what he has got


At the start of the window Lambert was under the impression that he could bring in two or three decent players - maybe not Sissoko's but decent £3-4m players. He has since been told there is no money.


Instead of whinging and moaning about it, he is getting on with it - I guarantee he is not HAPPY about it

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Right now, if we aren't signing anyone, I'd be tempted to put either Clark or Warnock in a DM position when Dunne is back.

yes I'd go with







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Although I do appreciate that telling the world that the boys aren't up to it will do little for confidence...but saying that he think things will be fine and they are up to the fight just makes us, him, the players and the club look like idiots

What would you prefer him to say?

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What would you prefer him to say?

Well quite


Say yes we are shit = Destroys what little confidence remains

Says nothing = He is a coward

Says we'll be fine = Makes him look an idiot


If people want to spin it negatively which there is a lot of at the moment.

Edited by Richard
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yes I'd go with







I agree with this - once Dunne is back that frees us up to use Clark and Baker elsewhere across the back four or even in DCM


I'd be tempted with Weimann in preference to Gabby but not by much

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So in other words, Lambert has had this meeting with Lerner where he should be asking for money to sign players, but because we've just been knocked out of the cup by a 4th tier side, he's quite happy to sit there with his tail between his legs and cling onto his job. After our recent form I don't particularly blame him either, I wouldn't be asking my boss for any favours if I'd just spent the past month pissing against his car.

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Somebody from the board needs to have the balls to come out and say something to us fans. If its true that we are not going to spend this window, then just say it, we'll work it out for ourselves come February 1st and we won't feel any better for it!! Villa till I die!!

Havn't you heard. It's all Lambert's fault - he's happy with the squad he's got (apparently)

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I agree with Nabby. If he is being denied the tools to do the job, he should resign. If it is his team (and not his tactics etc) that are the problem then he should hold his hands up and say 'I can't do this, the chairmen makes it impossible (if that is indeed the case), rather than struggle on, destroying his reputation and ours as he goes.

I pay £600 a year on my season ticket, that's not to mention the other money spent on the club, so I feel I am entitled to vent my frustration, as any fan, regardless of money spent should be able to do. I watch the same bullshit PR stunt of leaked stories about transfers, managers talking about deals behind the scenes, to boost tickets sales and the story to then change as te window closes...I guess I really didn't expect this to happen when we really do look in a bad way.

This isn't meant as a 'I'm a bigger fan than you are' post, so please don't take it that way. My mention is money spent is more my own desperation of trying to justify this spend to myself now. I don't enjoy supporting Villa anymore, I'm falling out of love with one of my first and longest loves...these are the rambling a of a desperate man.

Plus, as people who know me will know, I find it hard to grasp when people who can make changes to an issue, fail to see what is staring them in the face...

I hope Lambert is a success, I really do, I still like the idea of what he is trying to achieve, he seems like he cares for our club too. I didn't want him as our manager if truth be told, but I really want him to prove me wrong, I just don't see that happening and I worry about how much worse things can get.

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Oh and if someone can correct me, I'm pretty sure Lambert said 'if I have to go with what I've got, I'm ok with that' he may have said 'happy' I don't know...

To me, that's him saying he believes they have what it takes and that he doesn't think reinforcements are needed. Sure he may want players, but he isn't worried about not having any more...I do, I think what we have are a few diamonds mixed in with a whole lot of poo!

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Its just insane not bringing in new players must be a Lambert decision surely, he can be very stubborn and ,I can imagine him saying his squad is good enough. Another rumour which stands good ground is Lamberts been Brought in knowing relegation is looming and to help us with a season in the championship. Makes sense!!!

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