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General England thread


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Well I'm pleased for Woy (no doubt Mantis is sticking pins into his effigy just because he brought Milner on), probably my favourite England manager for a long time.


And I have actually enjoyed watching England play these last two games and believe me I never say that much, there has been a great fluidity and pace in the forward line with Rooney in top form even if Sturridge and Welbeck have been like bambi on ice tonight so something to work on there.

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We must surely be the worst team going to Brazil



Stop the needless negativity. Although they definitely won't win it, Australia,Iran, Mexico, Switzerland and some of the playoff winners who we don't know yet are much worse

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would say I was disappointed with lewandowski tonight, townsend might actually have said something insightful tonight, he's not the same player at international level, movement didn't look as good, missed 2 great chances, dropped deep a fair bit but then wasn't good enough on the ball

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I feel no pain when we lose, yet I feel no jubilation when we are winning, international football means nothing to me. We're just a mediocre team, it's like watching a David O'Leary Villa


Why watch then? I have absolutely no interest in jabbing forks in my eyes, but I don't feel the need to tell everyone that...

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